Owl: Malaysian Airlines Flight Hijacked via AWACS? Chinese Engineers Renditioned? Update 4 Diego Garcia Redux, Boeing Cyber Hijack

UPDATE 16 Mar 14: Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia? and also Is missing Malaysian jet the world’s first CYBER HIJACK? Chilling new theory claims hackers could use a mobile phone to take over the controls UPDATE 15 Mar 14: Malaysia Airline MH370: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost plane …

Stephen E. Arnold: CyberTap (Engineering Centric) Kicks the Crap Out of “Advanced” Search (Sales Centric)

THE HONK (Email Subscription) As I was working through updates to the search vendor profiles on Xenky.com, I ran across a reference to Cybertap LLC. The company’s name rang a bell. I recalled an interview one of the goslings conducted with its founder in 2012. The point that caught my attention last week was a …

Berto Jongman: Atrocities, Cyber, War 1.4

ATROCITIES: risks of state-led mass killing AUSTRALIA: Terrorists taking cut of millions in drug money BIG DATA: predictive algorythms and virtues of transparancy CAR: CAR risks spiralling into genocide CHINA: 37,000 Elite Offshore Accounts Outed, China Reacts to Protect Them and Censor the Story CHINA: How Its Leader — Now the World’s Most Powerful Man …

Berto Jongman: Internet Balkanization, Cyber-Crime, Cyber-Espionage

Whither The Internet In An Age Of Cyber-Espionage? As everyone should know by now, not quite two weeks ago the latest nugget from Edward Snowden via Glenn Greenwald and co-authors was revealed, and was that the NSA and its UK counterpart the GSHQ “have successfully cracked much of the online encryption relied upon by hundreds …