Robert Steele: Trump Triumph in 3 Moves UPDATE 8 WH 4.0, Trump 2.0, #UNRIG 4.0

SHORT URL: Published 20171026, update 20190203 The loss of the House is both threatening and an opportunity. Despite growing Democratic scandals  (including Mossad control of Debbie Wasserman Schultz to spy on Members with Pakistani patsies and Democratic funding of the false dossier by Christopher Steele (no relation)) and Clinton Foundation charity fraud connected to …

David Lifshultz: Rebuttal The ‘Not-So-Hidden Agenda’ Behind Bossche’s Concern Over COVID Mass Vaccination – Children Health Defense

The very concept of vaccines is erroneous.   It is useful to circulate his views as it might put a brake on the current madness but as to whether this fellow is worthwhile the truth is that he is a fool.  The key problem is the destruction of the immune system by artificially polluted air, water …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 31 – False Flag Hat Trick or more?

American Gray Swans – Week 31 – False Flag Hat Trick or more? As America is appalled at the multiple recent mass shooting events, so starts the argument again between conservatives and liberals on “Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment”  – the only thing that is protecting us against a totalitarian government. It is a …