Rob Slane: Is Trump in Trouble? Did CIA Lie to Him with Fake News of Dead Ducks, Dead Kids?

Trump in Dumps as Spook Picks Sick Kids’n’Dead Duck Trick Pics Did CIA Director Gina Haspel mislead the President? According to The New York Times, Ms. Haspel showed pictures the British government had supplied her of young children hospitalized after being sickened by the Novichok nerve agent that poisoned the Skripals. She then showed a …

SPECIAL: WWIII Starts 14 December 2018 in Ukraine? Russian Military Briefing Video (English Captions), Nuclear Analysis by Eric Zuesse, Comment by Robert Steele

Turn on Closed Captions (CC) for English Sub-Titles Executive Summary: Ukraine attacks Russia 14 December after a false flag. US nuclear capabilities not quite ready, US military aviation is at 40%, US naval vessels are totally vulnerable to electromagnetic neutralization, and US ground forces are vulnerable to geospatial neutralization, hence US under Trump may not …

Berto Jongman: CIA Claims It Lost Dozens of Spies in China and Iran to Failed Google Covert Communications (Robert Steele Comments: BULLSHIT — This is a Cover Story for Not Having Any Spies in Those Countries)

Dozens of US spies killed after Iran and China uncovered CIA messaging service using Google One former official claiming that “our biggest insider threat is our own institution”. The CIA’s communications suffered a catastrophic compromise. It started in Iran. Yahoo News’ reporting on this global communications failure is based on conversations with eleven former U.S. …

Robert Steele: James Bamford on Anti-Intelligence -Trump’s War on the IC (Trump Revolution 28)

Anti-Intelligence What happens when the president goes to war with his own spies? The New Republic 19 March 2018 Phi Beta Iota: Bamford understates the cost of the IC – over eight years Obama spent close to $400 billion, not the $100 billion that Bamford cites. If one includes hidden support costs in other budgets, …

Robert Steele: Privatizing Covert Operations – The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional, Unethical Idea of the 21st Century (Trump Revolution 20)

Privatizing Covert Operations The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional, Unethical Idea of the 21st Century UPDATE 1: BoingBoing is saying Blackwater also proposed killing Trump enemies within the USA. I doubt this but am asking around. ORIGINAL (also a Kindle) If Mike Pompeo wants to commit virtual suicide and end his prospects of being an effective Secretary …