2013: The Evolving Craft of Intelligence 3.6 As Published

The Evolving Craft of Intelligence [Version 3.1] Robert David Steele There is little desire in the developed intelligence nations to see the craft of intelligence evolve in line with the revolutions in information technology and globalization. Indeed, it can safely be said that most leaders with access to intelligence services do not value them—they are …

Berto Jongman: Does Terrorism Work? What Do They Want? + Meta-RECAP

Does Terrorism Really Work? Evolution in the Conventional Wisdom Since 9/11 (Max Abrahms) What Terrorists Really Want: Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy (Max Abrahms) Why Terrorism Does Not Work (Max Abrahms) Max Abrahms Website Phi Beta Iota:  Terrorism is a tactic.  Both Israel and the USA have used it to great effect, and evidently continue …

Review: The Clash of Ideas in World Politics–Transnational Networks, States, and Regime Change, 1510-2010

John M. Owen Academic, Historical Focus on States March 4, 2011 In comparison to Grand Strategies: Literature, Statecraft, and World Order, which is receiving a 6+ from my (my top 10%), this is at best a 4 for the general public of which I am a part. It has its academic testimonials, in that world …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Strategy

Strategy 2001 Threats, Strategy, and Force Structure: An Alternative Paradigm for National Security Review: Blue Ocean Strategy–How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant Review: Environmental Security and Global Stability–Problems and Responses Review: Fast Strategy–How strategic agility will help you stay ahead of the game Review: Grand Strategies in War and Peace Review: …