NIGHTWATCH: Silence of the Diplomatic Gerbils, Failure of US Intelligence & USMC

Libya:Multiple sources have reported more details on the events that led to the death of Ambassador Stephens. The details suggest this was another case of well-intentioned but misguided hubris by Americans, as to their own safety, and well-aimed and well- targeted attacks by the Muslim attackers. This appears, in fact, to have been a deliberate …

Review (Guest): Westmoreland – The General Who Lost Vietnam – Includes Second Review With Contextual Detail on Failure of Intelligence (Including Soviets Owning US Crypto)

Lewis Sorley A Man Promoted Above his Ability September 12, 2011 By Hrafnkell Haraldsson VINE™ VOICE I grew up during the Vietnam War. I was seven years old when General William Westmoreland was sent to Vietnam by LBJ to take charge of things there. I was eleven when he lost his job and by then, …

Chuck Spinney: Obama’s Failure of Intelligence & Integrity

My friend Jeff Madrick, and old fashioned liberal democrat in the best sense of the term, has penned a pithy analysis of the anti-empirical madness now dominating the contemporary American political economy.  Jeff concludes that the Right ignores its track record, particularly regarding the clear economic effects of tax cuts, and is rarely challenged on …

Review (Guest): Failure of Intelligence–The Decline and Fall of the CIA

Mel Goodman 5.0 out of 5 stars Tough Love for CIA, March 6, 2008< Retired Reader (New Mexico) – See all my reviews This is an astonishingly well balanced book that while deeply critical of CIA and its senior management also credits its strengths and successes. The author, Melvin Goodman, spent some 34 years as …

2006 The Failure of 21st Century Intelligence (Followed by SPY IMPROV)

One of the magical things about the “wealth of networks” is the value-added that can come from voluntary social production.  Governments and businesses are only now beginning to understand this, and most do not yet understand that the future is about hybrid open everything.  Below, with a tip of the hat toEli Courtwright who says: …