Catherine Austin Fitts with Greg Hunter: Government Moving Massive Amounts of Money to the Dark Side…

 Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts says, “I don’t know why the government is shifting massive amounts of money out of the U.S. government and out of the U.S. economy and taking it dark.” $42 trillion taken off the books for secret space research to colonize other planets because globalists believe planet is doomed.  Includes …

Phil Giraldi: What Sheldon Adelson’s Money Has Bought for Zionist Israel

Best Government Money Can Buy Adelson’s recent successes in translating his political donations into policy favorable to Israel have included shifting the US Embassy to Jerusalem, cutting aid to Palestinians, ending the Iranian nuclear monitoring agreement and closing the Palestine Liberation Organization’s diplomatic office in Washington. Adelson is also widely believed to have had a hand in …

Mongoose: Vatican Has Paid Over $4 Billion in Pedophilia Pedopredation Hush Money

The Vatican Has Paid Nearly $4 Billion To Settle For Children Harmed By Sexual Abuse “According to Jack and Diane Ruhl of the National Catholic Reporter, who decided to research this particular topic, since 1950, the Vatican has spent a disgusting $3,994,797,060.10. That’s nearly $4 billion to keep things hush hush. That number may even be a bit conservative, …

Mongoose: Deep State Attack #4 on President Donald Trump — The Russians Funded Trump Post 9/11 — Used Real Estate to Launder Money

This is the fourth of the Deep State attacks on our legitimately-elected President Donald Trump. The first three, all failures, were the attempt to flip the Electoral College (treason); the manufacture of lies about Russians hacking the election (treason); and the most recent attempt to have the President perceived as mentally unstable (treason). Mark Sumner, …