Robert Steele: An Open Letter to All European Ministers on Peace Through Open Everything

An Open Letter to All European Ministers Esteemed Ministers, On 27 May the Competitiveness Council in Brussels announced a European decision to achieve Open Access to all scientific research data by 2020. This decision, and the implementing European framework programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020, will be recognized by future generations as the first …

Stephen E. Arnold: Citation Analytics Warmed Over and Still Incompetent

Innovation Is Not Reheated Pizza. Do you remember Eugene Garfield? He was the go to person in the field of citation analysis. The jargon attached to his figuring out how to identify who cited what journal article snagged old school jargon like bibliometrics. Dr. Garfield founded the Institute for Scientific Information. He sold ISI to …

Stephen E. Arnold: Elsevier Threatened by Google Patent Search

Google Patent Search: Wake Up Call EXTRACT Patent searches conducted on the for fee services from Thomson Reuters and Reed Elsevier can be expensive. There are also some useful “free” services such as   . . .   In short, the Google may be looking at the hundreds of millions of revenue available from those with …

JZ Liszkiewicz: 2 Reports – We Are NOT Doomed…Except for the Food Industry

Two Reports Predicting the Future of Humanity Agree We’re Not Totally Doomed Two recent reports on the future of human civilization agree on one important point: We’re not totally screwed. “People around the world are becoming healthier, wealthier, better educated, more peaceful, and increasingly connected, and they are living longer,” concluded the Millennium Project’s 2013-2014 …

Stephen E. Arnold: OpenCalais Has Big Profile Users

OpenCalais Has Big Profile Users OpenCalais is an open source project that creates rich semantic data by using natural language processing and other analytical methods through a Web service interface. It is a simple explanation for a piece of powerful software. OpenCalais was originally part of ClearForest, but Thomson Reuters acquired the project in 2007. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Social Media and News – Amazing Graphic + Comment on Amazon & Wikipedia

Social Media and News: Amazing Graphic “News Use across Social Media Platforms” confirms what I have suspected for a while. The mobile generation has some interesting behavior patterns with regard to news. Among the factoids that the Pew outfit has boiled down to numbers are: ITEM: YouTube viewers are not using the service to get …