Robert Steele: Jared Kushner is Destroying Donald Trump

Trump Is Losing the White Vote with Jared Kushner’s Agenda ROBERT STEELE: Read the whole excellent article loaded with valuable links. Man-child Jared Kushner, a third-rate intellect with zero ethics, and an agent of multiple foreign powers to boot, is destroying the President’s prospects for a second term. There are exactly four things the President …

Robert Steele: Legitimate Grievances, Scattered Protests — From Sedition to Reform?

The Main Street Manifesto Nouriel Roubini A vast underclass of increasingly indebted, socially immobile Americans – African-Americans, Latinos, and, increasingly, whites – is revolting against a system that has failed it. This phenomenon is not limited to the US, of course. In 2019 alone, massive demonstrations rocked Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, France, Hong Kong, India, Iran, …

Mongoose: Did John Bolton Just Remove Mike Pence from the 2020 Ballot? Trump-McKinney?

John Bolton: Pence was a ‘consistent ally’ and equally ‘stunned’ by some Trump actions “As Vice President, Pence maintained the strong views on national security that he’d had during his years in the House of Representatives, and I regarded him as a consistent ally,” Bolton wrote in “The Room Where it Happened: A White House …