Journal: Learning Styles Concepts and Evidence

Learning Styles:Concepts and Evidence Psychological Science in the Public Interest Harold Pashler Mark McDaniel Doug Rohrer Robert Bjork Abstract The term “learning styles” refers to the concept that individuals differ in regard to what mode of instruction or study is most effective for them. Proponents of learning-style assessment contend that optimal instruction requires diagnosing individuals’ …

Journal: CSIS on IAEA and NATO Intelligence

Shining a Brighter Light on Dark Places: Improving the IAEA’s Use of Intelligence through Cooperation with NATO By Michael Hertzberg Center for Strategic & International Studies Dec 21, 2010 One possible improvement to the IAEA’s monitoring and verification regime would be enhancing the IAEA’s use of intelligence by formalizing cooperation with a multilateral security organization …

Tom Atlee Proposes distributed-intelligence, crowd-sourcing participatory think tank for popular common-sense policies, unhindered by party affiliations and ideology

Phi Beta Iota: There is no other person we hold in higher esteem than Tom Atlee.  For America the Beautiful, at least, he is this generation’s Wise Man.  Below in his own words.  We urge one and all to contribute to his sustenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . …

Journal: NSA Assumes It Has Been Compromised…Correct!

U.S. Code-Cracking Agency Works As If Compromised. The U.S. government’s main code-making and code-cracking agency now works on the assumption that foes may have pierced even the most sensitive national security computer networks under its guard. “There’s no such thing as ‘secure’ any more,” Debora Plunkett of the National Security Agency said on Thursday amid …


Short-Cut: 31 December 2010 ‘No label’ the new false flag (Examiner) 30 December 2010 Coffee Party 2.0: Similarities Between No Labels and Previous Incarnation Includes Extreme MSM Hype (newsbusters) NO LABELS NO WINNER (Tucson Citizen) 29 December 2010 No Labels, but still sworn enemies (Boston Globe) The Freak Show: It’s Time To Dump Democrats …