Berto Jongman: Prison Letters — Pussy Riot and Slavoj Zizek

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova of Pussy Riot’s prison letters to Slavoj Žižek Pussy Riot’s Nadezhda Tolokonnikova is currently in a prison hospital in Siberia; here she and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek meet in an extraordinary exchange of letters • Pussy Riot: composer Cecilie Ore’s choral tribute to the punk band Slavoj Žižek, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova The Guardian, Friday 15 …

Chuck Spinney: Overcoming the Descent into a Neo Dark Age

The below  pdf, from the Cal Tech archives, is Richard Feynman’s commencement address to the graduating class of 1974.  His title, framed with his characteristic wit, is “Cargo Cult Science: Some remarks of science, pseudoscience, and leaning how not to fool yourself.” PDF (4 Pages): Feynman on Cargo Cult Science Feynman’s subject is nature of integrity …

Tikkun: The Spiritual Truth of JFK – 50 Years On…

November 22 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and virtually all major TV channels, magazines, and other media outlets are planning specials, documentaries, articles with historical analyses and personal retellings of where people were at the time of assassination. Also, Oliver Stone’s 1991 Oscar-nominated film JFK challenging the conventional theory …

Chuck Spinney: Emile Nakhleh on Saudi Anger over Losing Influence — Iran Ascendant

Saudi Anger Masks Concern About Loss of Influence by Emile Nakhleh via IPS News, 13 November 2013 Saudi Arabia’s public anger against the United States masks the kingdom’s growing concern about its diminishing influence in the Persian Gulf and the wider Arab world. It has nothing to do with U.S. policy toward the Palestinians, Washington’s …

Yoda: On Religion – Link List

Overheard at dinner in Afghanistan: Religion is the space between the dots, science the dots, and philosophy the mind-set that blends the two. Education, intelligence (decision-support) and research are the sources and methods for achieving integral consciousness — godliness in spirt, integrity in fact, and heaven on earth in community. Religions can be evaluated in …