Robert Steele: Memorandum for Donald Trump

Note: I have attempted to persuade, in this order, the following presidential candidates of the need for electoral reform: Sanders, O’Mally, Bloomberg, and Kasich. Donald Trump is our last best hope for electoral reform. MEMORANDUM FOR MR. DONALD TRUMP 18 October 2016 Background: I wrote the first article, “Counter-Coup: How Trump Can Win,” for Counterpunch, …

ANSWERS: Robert Steele for Gary Null on 9/11 — Who Did It and More…

Below as asked and answered for a Gary Null special commemorating 9/11 and the efforts of the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth as led by Richard Gage. Their event in NYC on 10-11 September 2016 is highly recommended and will feature Danny Sheehan, among others. Only some of the answers may be used for …

Robert Steele: Cracks in Official Narratives — Smerconish Threatens Guliani and GOP “You Go After Clinton’s Health, We’ll Go After 9/11 As An Inside Job”

I have just watched Michael Smerconish threaten Rudy Guliani and the Republican Party on CNN. It was, in one word, FASCINATING! Reading between the lines, Michael Smeronish has opened the door for a complete fracturing of the official two-party narrative that keeps 70% of the public disenfranchised and 99% of the public ill-informed and enslaved. …

ANSWERS: Robert Steele for Brandi Sling (P) on CIA John Brennan’s Re-Organization One Year On…

ANSWERS: Robert Steele on CIA John Brennan’s Re-Organization One Year On… My seven questions (with sub-sets) are as follows:     On March 6, 2015, the CIA’s Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan, announced a major restructuring of the CIA by converting the directorates of Operations, Analysis, Support, and Science and Technology, as well as the …

Kevin Barrett: Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich

Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich Epilogue to The Orlando False Flag: Clash of Histories “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public …