2004 Tongeren (NL) A Need for a Global Alliance for Human Security

GOLDEN CANDLE AWARD: Mr. Paul van Tongeren OSS ’04: To Mr. Paul van Tongeren, leader, educator, advocate, and pioneer in the prevention and resolution of conflict.  As Executive Director of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention, his is a critical voice in facilitating peace through hinter-disciplinary study, cross-cultural communication, and the creation of Open Source …

2004 Wiebes (NL) Intelligence and the war in Bosnia 1992 – 1995 The role of the intelligence and security services

This extraordinary scholar benefits from being given access by an enlightened secret intelligence service whose Parliament demands full transparency as required.  His book is one of those very, very few that can legitimately claim to be fully informed from a full examination of all classified messages and archives, as well as the usual unclassified or …

2004 Stephen Cambone, Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, Speech to the Security Affairs Support Association (SAS) on Need for Universal Coverage at the Neighborhood Level of Granularity

Dr. Stephen Cambone was a fine Undersecetary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)) given the context he was in and the policy personalities he was dealing with.  His most brilliant moment, for the public interest, came on 22 January 2004 when he spoke to the Security Affairs Support Association (SASA) about the need for universal coverage …

2003 Czech The Steady State Revolution for National Security and International Stability

Brian Czech at the time was one of those employees of the U.S. Government who served the public interest with enormous integrity, imagination, and intelligence.  Totday he is President of CENTER for theADVANCEMENT of theSTEADY STATE ECONOMY which we have added to our Righteous Sites. Brian Czech has a Ph.D. in renewable natural resources from …