Reference: Reverse TPFID for Haiti

TPFID (Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data) Reverse TPFID Sequence of Events: CAB 21 Sequence of Events as Previously Provided Embrace the Cubans as full partners Multinational Decision Support Center (MDSC) in Tampa or Quantico Grid the Island, Assign Zone Masters with Commercial Satellite Communications to Each Grid Square Execute Bottom-Up Needs-Driven Information-Driven Relief Effort as …

Review: Social Change 2.0–A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World

Undeniable Genius Isolated from Other Movements January 4, 2010 David Gershon This book is a work of undeniable genius and to that I would add peseverence–the author and his wife Gail Straub have been on the forefront of the personal empowerment movement from the late 1970’s onward, and in many ways this book is a …

Journal: Hubris Loses to Angst & Reality–Every Time

British student held over alleged airline bomb attempt Nigerian man reportedly linked to al-Qaida in custody after foiled terror attempt on transatlantic flight to Detroit Police identified the suspect as Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, 23. It is understood that he is an engineering student at University College London. One official said the man claimed to …

Journal: Iranians Making Sense on Climate Matters?

Ahmadinejad makes more sense on climate change than US leaders Ahmadinejad: All countries should be able to use nuclear power Iran’s President Says Materialism, Capitalism Cause of Climate Change Islamic Republic of Iran News Network Television (IRINN) as translated by Open Source Center (OSC) Friday, December 18, 2009 (Ahmadinezhad in progress) … … Every year …

Journal: Cyber-Security or Cyber-Scam? Plus Short List of Links to Reviews and Books on Hacking 101

COVER STORY: The Cyberwar Plan  It’s not just a defensive game; cyber-security includes attack plans too, and the U.S. has already used some of them successfully. by Shane Harris Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009 14 tech firms form cybersecurity alliance for government Lockheed Martin, top suppliers launch initiative for government market By Wyatt Kash  Nov 12, …