CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 13 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: Arab experts predict Mideast water wars 11/13/09 AA: Americans and Western Europeans Agree on Afghanistan-Pakistan Extremist Threat 11/11/09 AA: Muslims must quit British Forces, says Iranian envoy Abdolhossein Moezi 11/14/09 AA: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are not best countries for … 11/13/09 AA: Terror training camps smaller, harder to target 11/09/09 …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 27 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: Uruguay #1 for Prosperity in South America; Venezuela and Bolivia the Worst 10/26/09 CL: Chile president proposes limiting military courts 10/27/09 CO: Uribe requests repatriation of Colombians murdered in Venezuela 10/26/09 DO: Lucrative charcoal spurs Dominican- Haitian crime cartels 10/26/09 HN: Honduran forces blast recordings of sound effects outside Brazilian embassy 10/22/09 …

Review: Careers in Renewable Energy–Get a Green Energy Job

Formula Book Well Executed, Superb But “Lite” October 18, 2009 Gregory McNamee I read in multiples. See my reviews of 75 Green Businesses You Can Start to Make Money and Make A Difference as well as Green Intelligence: Creating Environments That Protect Human Health for the snap-shot on this round, and at Phi Beta Iota, …

Review: Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century of Declines

Excellent Primer, Narrowly Focused, Provokes Reflection October 16, 2009 Richard Heinberg I was tempted to limit this book to four stars because it fails to properly recognize, among many others, Buckminster Fuller, e.g. his Critical Path and it provides only passing reference to such foundation works as Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update and Human …