Jim Dean: Boston Bombing — DHS Out-Sourced Red Cell Attack to Israel?

Jim Dean comes from an old military family dating back to the American Revolution. Dozens of Confederate ancestors fought the Yankees in our Civil War. Uncles fought in WWII and Korea. His father as a WWII P-40 and later P-51 Mustang fighter pilot. Vietnam found several uncles serving, a cousin, and brother Wendell as a …

Mini-Me: Syria & Chemical Weapons — Israel Lies, US Unconvinced, Russia Angry — Cost of US Meddling Rises for All

Huh? Israel Says Syria Has Used Chemical Weapons TEL AVIV – Israel’s senior military intelligence analyst said Tuesday there was evidence the Syrian government had repeatedly used chemical weapons in the last month, and he criticized the international community for failing to respond, intensifying pressure on the Obama administration to intervene. Hagel skeptical of Syria …

Kevin Barrett: Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?

Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out? Update: The  authorities now claim the Boston bombing suspects  are Chechnyan Muslims. How odd! The US and Israel are allies of the Chechnyan Muslims in their fight against Russia. In fact, the US and Israel create and fund Chechyan “al-Qaeda” cells to conduct terror attacks against Russia. So …

Berto Jongman: CIA on How Israel Got the Nuclear Bomb Materials — and LBJ Covered It Up

CIA: Mossad agent, Rafi Eitan, “obtained” enriched uranium from the U.S. to produce Israel’s nuclear bomb FBI and CIA Documents claim: Israel has achieved the ability to produce a nuclear bomb after receiving approximately 260 kilograms of enriched uranium from the NUMEC plants, owned by the Jewish-American Zalman Shapiro. According to his testimony in 1981, …

Mini-Me: Fukushima – Japan’s 911 Israel’s Follow-Up to US 911 — Plus Comment on Need for Global Inspector General with Counterintelligence Mandate

Huh? Fukushima – Japan’s 911 The following is a condensed version of the very excellent information contained on jimstonefreelance.com based on official records and evidence which cannot be silenced. The fact that even a large proportion of the truth movement has shunned this report proves how deep the conspiracy goes. 1. Photographs of Fukushima show …

Chuck Spinney: Israel Seeks Exemption from US Sequester Cuts — Kerry Making the Deal?

  Oren: Israel trying to guarantee US military aid By GLOBES/RAN DAGONY Jerusalem Post, 02/03/2013 In light of cuts in US gov’t spending, Israeli ambassador says J’lem will try to safeguard funding for Iron Dome, Arrow. Jerusalem is working to salvage some of the military aid the US provides Israel, after US President Barack Obama …

Mongoose: NASA Notices Middle East Water Loss — Israeli Theft of Water from Arab Aquifers Not Mentioned

Counterintelligence really has to broaden its mandate. A unified Arab water intelligence and counterintelligence authority would be most interesting! Alarming water loss in Middle East, NASA study says DOHA, Qatar –  A NASA study found that an amount of freshwater almost the size of the Dead Sea has been lost in parts of the Middle …