SPECIAL: Wikileaks Vault 7 CIA Cyber Dabbling — and False Flag Cyber Attacks Blamed on Russia UPDATE 2

Leaked CIA Document: CIA Uses “False Flag” Cyberattacks to Blame Russian Hackers WikiLeaks Press Release on CIA Vault 7 8,761 Items Since 2001 the CIA has gained political and budgetary preeminence over the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). The CIA found itself building not just its now infamous drone fleet, but a very different type …

Antechinus: Case Study Corporate Spying on Activists — Asbestos

How A Corporate Spy For A Kazakhstan Company Infiltrated The Global Anti-Asbestos Network A Kazakhstan company hired an American intelligence firm in London to spy on the global anti-asbestos movement. They did it with a man who posed as a journalist and pretended to make a film about the evils of the asbestos industry. The …

Antechinus: Wikipedia is Corrupt & Censoring Without Due Process

Information Wars: Wikipedia Suppression of SouthFront A few days ago Wikipedia announced its intention to remove its entry on SouthFront explaining it had an issue with the pro-Russian position of the project. The decision implies that entries on CNN, Euronews, RT, Russia Insider, Belingcat and several other contemporary information activities ought to be removed. Politicized …

Robert Steele: In Norway 14-23 March 2017 To Speak on Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) and Need for an International Open Source (Technologies) Agency

Robert Steele, EIN CeO, Former Spy, Recommends Open Access Industry: Education Robert Steele, CeO of Earth Intelligence Network, in Oslo and Kirkenes 15-23 March 2017 to deliver private lectures, welcomes additional invitations and interviews. Oslo, Norway (PRUnderground) February 28th, 2017 Robert Steele, CeO of Earth Intelligence network, will be visiting Norway to deliver educational lectures …

Fredrik S. Heffermehl: Trump – Putin could rescue the world – and win the Nobel Peace Prize

Trump – Putin could rescue the world – and win the Nobel Peace Prize Donald Trump has promised to repair America´s infrastructure and to lower taxes. We all know this is undoable, and yet – it could be done. Trump has one way to raise the required funds, and create a safer world in the …