Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Video Service Robert Steele: Is Zoom the Victim of Organized Naked Short Selling?

Amazon: Zooming Toward Google Hangouts? DarkCyber spotted this Thomson Reuters’ story: “Amazon Tests Screening New Merchants for Fraud via Video Calls in Pandemic.” The news story reveals that yes, indeed, Amazon has its own Zoom-type service. There are a number of interesting Amazon patents related to video communications. These range from facial recognition to active …

Robert Steele: UK Government Lies Again — Same People Behind Trump Dossier and Imperial College Fake Pandemic Now Deny 5G – Conoravirus Connection

5G coronavirus conspiracy theory is dangerous fake nonsense, UK says ROBERT STEELE: Minister Michael Gove of the UK is deceiving the public — he is either stupid or — more likely — has been fully briefed and is a flat out liar. 5G at a minimum lowers human immunity and makes it more likely that …

Stephen E. Arnold: Clearview — You Are NAKED!

Clearview: More Tradecraft Exposed I read with some discomfort “I Got My File From Clearview AI, and It Freaked Me Out.” Here are some factoids from the write up. Are these true? DarkCyber assumes that everything the team sees on the Internet meets the highest standards of integrity, objectivity, and truthiness. DarkCyber’s comments are in …

Robert Steele: Two Letters Documenting What the US Government Knew on 3 February 2020 About the Virus, Medical Malpractice, and Media Censorship

SHORT URL: This is what the US Government knew on 3 February 2020. The answer letter was probably not shown to the President (just as my cyber-vulnerability letter in 1994 was not shown to the President). There are however signals that the President is fully aware of all the permutations, and a massive positive …