Trump Revolution Series (Some Print, All Kindle & Most Free Online)

SHORT URL This Post: 2020 56 PRINT: Robert David Steele, MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Subject: Immediate Opportunity to Confiscate $100 Trillion in Illicit Wealth from Wall Street KINDLE: Robert David Steele, MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Subject: Immediate Opportunity to Confiscate $100 Trillion …

Review: Islam vs. ISIS – Why the True Islam is the exact opposite of the Islamic State

Absolutely Recommended, Some Flaws, But Many Illustrations and an Easy Read, September 29, 2016 I rate this book as a solid five because it is a very important collection of insights — including a buried but all important indictment of Saudi Arabian Wahhabism and Western Imperialism as the true roots of ISIS. The graphics are …

Training: Austere Operations Centers in support of Civil-Military Operations (Three Days)

Training Offered:  Austere Operations Centers in support of Civil-Military Operations (Transitioning to Phase IV) Abstract:  Complex contingencies often require military organizations to adapt to novel challenges.  Military forces, especially those involved in supporting civil military operations and special operations require a clear understanding of what capabilities civilian organizations bring to bear both to facilitate civil …

Yoda: Modern Slavery Index

UK one of only four major Western economies identified as ‘low risk’ in new Modern Slavery Index Modern slavery constitutes a ‘high’ or ‘extreme risk’ in 115 countries, according to a new global ranking released by risk analytics company Verisk Maplecroft. The research concludes that Asian and African commodity producers and manufacturing countries pose the …