Mongoose: Cambridge Analytica Dirty Tricks on Film

Revealed: Trump’s election consultants filmed saying they use bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians Bribes, sex workers, and social media manipulation In the meetings, the executives boasted that Cambridge Analytica and its parent company Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL) had worked in more than two hundred elections across the world, including Nigeria, Kenya, the Czech …

Robert Steele: Core Works UPDATED with 21st Century University

Short URL: REINVENTING NATIONAL SECURITY: Grand Strategy, Global Reality, and the U.S. Army REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE: 30 Years in the Wilderness REINVENTING ENGINEERING: The Ultimate Hack — Creating a Prosperous World at Peace with Open Source Everything NATO 2040: Intelligence (Decision-Support) as Root for Transformation

Mongoose: Parkland False Flag School Shooting — Chabad, Broward County, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Pedophilia Judges, and More…

#GoogleGestapo is deleting all accounts that conflict with the official narrative.  The USA is now officially “Stalinist” in its treatment of information that is not “approved.” People are being digitally assassinated to cover up false flag fake news operations. Below is one email with many links and images from a person whose entire digital life …