Should Covington & Burling Get a Porcupine Enema and Anthony, Chertoff, Holder, Kelner, and Smith Lose Their Law Licenses For Betraying General Michael Flynn?

SHORT URL: Tuesday Surprise Rocks Flynn Case: Former Lawyers Failed To Produce Another Pile Of Evidence Covington & Burling LLP told the court its search team failed to search all of the law firm’s records and missed the documents, mostly emails. The documents were produced to Powell on Tuesday.

Robert Steele: Is Trump Winning Over Democrats?

Detroit rep says hydroxychloroquine, Trump helped save her life amid COVID-19 fight Another Doctor Reports Dramatic Improvement In COVID-19 Patients Using Trump-Touted Treatment I am seeing more and more signs that the Democratic Party is imploding along several lines.  The above headline is part of it — the breakaway of activist left from establishment left, …

Henry Makow: Mike Stone on Stop Worrying Love Fake Pandemic — Corona Baby Rush Nine Months From Today?

Mike Stone – How to Stop Worrying & Love the Hoax This psyop may have a silver lining. Think about it: almost the entire world’s population, cooped up at home under order of law. What do they expect people to do, twiddle their thumbs? With an avalanche of free porn available on the web (which …