Robert Steele: The Hill (Julian Hattem) Full of Crap — Fake News — Their Slam on David Petraeus is in Error and Infantile — Hard Copy Sharing with A Cleared Officer versus Electronic Treason — and Heterosexual Adultery versus Pedophilia? UPDATE 1

The Hill has published a crap story by someone who is probably not stupid, just “owned.” To the Editor <> As a former spy, founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, and the most published intelligence reformer in the English language, with eight books, two with forewords from Chairmen of the SSCI (Boren and Roberts), …

Mario Profaca: Pearl Harbor – the Mother of All Conspiracies [US Provoked Japanese With Eight Covert Attacks, Allowed Attack to Happen Despite Knowing Well in Advance]

The Division of Naval Intelligence placed no credence in “rumors” On 27 January 1941, Dr. Ricardo Shreiber, the Peruvian envoy in Tokyo told Max Bishop, third secretary of the US embassy that he had just learned from his intelligence sources that there was a war plan involving a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. This information …

Robert Steele: CNN (Chris Cuomo) Full of Crap — Fake News — Millions Did Vote Illegally — and Millions Were Also Repressed Illegally

Watching CNN at 0725 on the morning of 5 December 2016 just makes me sick to my stomach. The CNN representative — Chris Cuomo — is totally full of crap, but the Trump surrogate, Congressman Issa, is shallow and unprepared. CNN — the Clinton News Network — is a completely controlled surrogate for an official …

Greg Palast: Russians Did Not Hack Election — A Guide to Voting Fraud by the Two-Party Tyranny

The No-BS Inside Guide to the Presidential Recount Sorry, no Russian hacker hunt Greg Palast investigated vote suppression in the 2016 election for Rolling Stone.  The film of his investigation, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, was released by Cinema Libre Studios in September. There’s been so much complete nonsense since I first broke the …