Journal: Rabbi Michael Lerner, Barack Obama, and the Washington Cesspool Update

Save Obama – by running against him By Michael Lerner The Washington Post Saturday, December 4, 2010 EXTRACT:  The basic platform for such a candidate is clear: Unequivocally call for an immediate end to the presence of U.S. troops, advisers and private U.S.-based security firms in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, and replace the “war on …

Event: 16–19 Jan 2011 Honolulu, Hawaii; Pacific Telecommunications Council 2011, Connecting Life 24/7

PTC’11: Connecting Life 24/7 will examine how telecom is changed and challenged by always-connected users with new requirements and preferences, the transformation of the value chain, changing regulatory concerns, and new demands for high-performance infrastructure. PTC’11 Program Highlights Monday, 17 January 2011 Carrier Transformation Ihab Tarazi, VP, Global Network Planning, Verizon, USA Joe Weinman, Communications, …

Journal: Marcus Aurelius with a Mixed Bag…

Hoyer: “Military Should Share Fed Civs’ Sacrifice” ( In reaction to the president’s announcement, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) quickly said the freeze should also extend to troops in uniform. Throw the WikiBook at them (Washington Post) …however quaint that term may seem. We are at war – a hot war in Afghanistan where …

Reference: Transparency Killer App Plus “Open Everything” RECAP (Back to 01/2007)

Gregory Unruh Director of the Lincoln Center for Ethics in Global Management at Thunderbird Posted: December 3, 2010 03:21 PM Transparency: The Internet’s Killer CSR App EXTRACT: Today “Wikileaks” makes the McLibel case look like child’s play. Corporate executives should watch closely as diplomats cringe under the sudden and violent spotlight. The same scrutiny is …