Review: In Search of Gold – Recovery of Yamashita”s Gold [in the Philippines]

5 Star – Riveting First Person Account I know the author personally, and was introduced to him by Sterling Seagrave (RIP), whom I also knew personally. Sterling was for me the top chronicler of Asian history both sordid and splendid. One of his books (linked below) that comes with three CDs of maps, photos, and …

Worth a Look Now at Amazon: Complex Society -In the Middle of a Middle World

The decreasing capacity to govern complex social processes results in negative trends that breach system thresholds in all main social domains with extreme economic stratification of society. Independent studies steadily report that a strong majority of the world’s population, between 60% and 80%, already feels excluded and no longer represented by their governments. Socially complex …

Answers for Tasnim News Agency on Grand Strategy in Relation to Assassination of Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh – And Could He Have Defected?

Death of ‘Zionist Israel’ Sweetest Revenge for Killing of Top Iran Scientist: Ex-CIA Officer Tasnim News Agency, 30 November 2020 UPDATE at End: 3Day3Nights posits defection rather than assassination. Below is the complete four question interview with full answers and four graphics not included in the editorially stunted version above.

EVENT: 5-6 December 2020 False Flags Conference, RDS Discount Code

If this doesn’t convince you that Americans are being manipulated on the basis of (elaborate) conspiracies of the greatest importance, I cannot imagine what would. If you mind is now open to the prospect, you may want to take advantage of the False Flags and Conspiracies 2020 Virtual Conference (5-6 December 2020) I have organized and will …

Berto Jongman: Ryan Dukeman in War on the Rocks – Winning the AI Revolution for American Diplomacy

Winning the AI Revolution for American Diplomacy Phi Beta Iota: Read every word of the above article.  It has a lot of good stuff in it, while being oblivious  to the lack of analog collection, our processing only 1% of what we have, and our lack of sense-making tools as well as true cost economics …