Review: Sudden Justice – America’s Secret Drone Wars

Chris Woods Excellent Historical Overview of the US Government’s Drone Assassination Program, November 23, 2016 This is one of three books on drone assassination that I am reviewing, the other two are Drones and the Future of Armed Conflict: Ethical, Legal, and Strategic Implications and We Kill Because We Can: From Soldiering to Assassination in …

John Robb: Plan to Force Donald Trump to Resign or Be Impeached? UPDATE 1 Greens Funded to Challenge Trump Victory; Teachers Against Trump Mobilizing Students Toward National Strike?

Trump’s Insurgency creates our Tahrir Square Moment Open source insurgencies and protests can arise spontaneously and they are very hard to stop once they get going since they are impervious to most forms of repressive counter-attack and political subversion. This uptick in insults directed at minorities blamed on Trump, may be the tinder for setting off …

Berto Jongman: Take the Blue Pill — John Pilger on Entrenched Western Media Propaganda — Mass Fabrication

Take the Blue Pill – Entrenched Western Media Propaganda Accepted As Truth Sputnik Radio host Brian Becker of the Loud & Clear program is joined by prolific filmmaker and journalist John Pilger to discuss the “invisible government” pushing for a Hillary Clinton presidency, and the role Western media plays in the process. “All pervasive fabrication” …

Mongoose: PizzaGate – More on Washington DC Occult Elite Pedophilia — Podesta Central, FBI Hand-Cuffed?

“Pizzagate”: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite Posters over at 4Chan and Reddit have been conducting an extremely bizarre investigation following the John Podesta e-mail leak (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman) and the results are surreal: They’ve apparently uncovered an elite child trafficking network which celebrates its tendencies using code words and disturbing artworks.

Antechinus: Deep State in Deep Fear of Donald Trump

Fear and Loathing Inside The Deep State Everyone in the Deep State is threatened by the Trump Presidency. The Deep State understands that power, funding, ideological stratagems and domination of government, media, academia, think tanks and NGOs are in the ‘field of fight’.