Matt Ehret: Will Canada Be a Bridge of Cooperation Or a Platform for War in the 21st Century

The arctic remains the world’s last frontier of human exploration. It is also a domain of great potential cooperation among great civilizations, or inversely a domain of militarism and confrontation. In recent years, Russia and China have increasingly harmonized their foreign policies around the Framework unveiled by President Xi Jinping in 2013 dubbed the Belt …

Caitlin Johnstone: Intelligence Sources Say Biggest Threat To U.S. Is Actually U.S. Policy

Intelligence Sources Say Biggest Threat To U.S. Is Actually U.S. Policy by Caitlin Johnstone A new “threat assessment” by the US intelligence cartel has named China the number one threat to the United States today, followed by Russia, Iran, and North Korea. This has of course led to blaring news headlines like “China poses the …

Matt Ehret: The Chinese-Russian-Iranian Alliance Ushers in a New Hope for the Middle East

The Chinese-Russian-Iranian Alliance Ushers in a New Hope for the Middle East As the USA continues its lunge into the abyss of obsolescence, under the new Don Quixote-modelled leadership of Joe Biden, Russia and China have accelerated the next phase of Middle East reconstruction and stabilization this week with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s March …

Jeff Rense: Creepy Joe Biden Just Got A Lot Creepier – Has He Been Nano’d Up?

Creepy Joe Biden Just Got A Lot Creepier Just a few months ago China Joe presented as a doddering, old, hunched over drooling moron  with blatant onset of dementia and/or Alzheimers which often prevented him from stringing a simple sentence together even while reading from his teleprompter. His mental deterioration was so bad he was kept …