Paul Craig Roberts: When Truth is Suppressed Countries Die

Over a decade during which the US economy was decimated by jobs offshoring, economists and other PR shills for offshoring corporations said that the US did not need the millions of lost manufacturing jobs and should be glad that the “dirty fingernail” jobs were gone. America, we were told, was moving upscale. Our new role …

Winslow Wheeler: DoD’s Own F-35 Test Report Contains Useful Truths

When DOD’s Director of Operational Test and Evaluation released its annual report to Congress on the performance of US weapons in operational (battlefield) testing, an object of some attention was the section on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.  The report itself (at made difficult and cryptic reading, and the news reporting covered whatever highlights harried …

Owl: Lt Chris Dorner USNR Fan Club Grows — Are Citizen Snipers Swarming to Los Angeles? Presidential Pardon and Truth & Reconciliation Recommended!

Lt Chris Dorner, USNR (Honorable Discharge) is acquiring a fan club. Chris Dorner Fan Club The 2nd half of this article below is about a a 1972 incident in New Orleans about another black, a vet, who loses it from constant injustice, and ends up killing a lot of cops and civilians before they get …