Secrecy News: P. J. Crowley & SecState Integrity?

P.J. CROWLEY AND THE LIMITS OF OPENNESS State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley resigned yesterday facing an Obama Administration backlash against his remarks declaring the treatment of suspected leaker Pfc. Bradley E. Manning “ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid.” The conditions of Private Manning’s detention became the subject of controversy when his lawyer complained that Manning was …

Department of State at MIT: NYT still the source of record, and we assume CIA on top of social media….but I’ve just been fired for being honest about DoD mistreatment of Private Manning…

Philip J. Crowley Assistant Secretary Bureau of Public Affairs Speaking at MIT’s Center for Civic Media Phi Beta Iota: Worth reading, candid, interesting at multiple levels, not least of which is that the New York Times is still his source of record, and he assumes that CIA has a grip on social media–never mind that …

Search: slide designs corruption + RECAP

Corruption works better, or Graphic: Corruption. Graphic: Corruption Slide 1 Nine Zones of Concern Graphic: Corruption Slide 2 Empire as Terrorism Graphic: Corruption Slide 3 Holistic Analysis There is also the category in the directory: JOURNAL:  Corruption (280) REVIEWS:  Corruption (125) See Also (Review: Corruption):

Reference: Open Source Insurgency

2010-12-04 How WikiLeaks builds a global open source insurgency 2010-11-21 Global Guerrillas (John Robb) on Open Source Jihad 2010-03-12 JOURNAL: OSW Standing Orders (11 of them) 2010-02-16 dkgreenroots: oil addiction,  open source insurgency & black swans: Part II 2009-11-17 Open Source Insurgency through Software Tools 2009-09-14  An Early Plan for Open Source Peaceful Evolution 2008-03-23 …

Secrecy News: Mike Vickers on Leaks as “Serious”

LEAKS A “SERIOUS PROBLEM” FOR DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE Unauthorized disclosures of classified information are among “the major challenges” facing defense intelligence, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers told Congress last month.  Mr. Vickers is awaiting Senate confirmation to be the new USD(I), a post that was last held by James R. Clapper, who …