Robert Steele: Post-Putin Trump Needs Truth Channel More Than Ever

The President needs a truth channel that connects him directly with the 200 million eligible voters in the USA (70% of them blocked from ballot access and meaningful vote). Such a truth channel must combine text messages, emails, posts, videos, and shared documents and must not be subject to censorship, manipulation or digital assassination such …

Masters of Deception – Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax by Zander C. Fuerza (Free Online PDF)

Sixteen Questions Answered by This Book: 1. Who did 9/11 and for what purpose? 2. Who had the means, motive, and opportunity to carry out these acts and have it blamed on somebody else? 3. Which group or organization had enough control over the American government and news media to have been able successfully to …

Eric Hufschmid: Memorandum for the President: Please Find the Courage to Declare 9/11 a False Flag Operation

Please Find the Courage to Declare 9/11 a False Flag Operation 10 July 2018 DearMr. President, Many attentive citizens and groups, including Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, have provided ample evidence that Building 7 and the two World Trade Center towers were demolished with explosives, thereby proving that the 9/11 attack was a “false …

Review: The Great Revolt – Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics

Salena Zito and Brad Todd 5 Star Insights Into How and Why Trump Won — Complements Our Towns The authors combine experience as a national political analyst for reputable media organizations with national-scope Republican advertising and opinion research. The book offers deep insights into how and why Donald Trump captured so many “Reagan Democrats” at …

Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book Indicts FBI In Detail]

Memorable Short URL: استخدم أداة الترجمة للقراءة باللغة العربية 使用翻译小部件阅读中文 Utiliser le widget de traduction Используйте виджет перевода Utilize widget de traducción Ceviri gerecini kullan FREE (both translatable full text and downloadable chapters & total PDF)

#WalkAway: Democratic Party Implodes, But President Trump Still Needs #UNRIG To Achieve #MAGA

Viral ‘Walk Away’ Videos Highlight Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party When actor James Woods tweeted out the hashtag “#WalkAway” in late June, even the alt-right missed the enormity of what lay beneath it. The Democratic Party had, in fact, struck an iceberg. “I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic …