Robert Steele: Open Source (Technologies) Agency

استخدام جوجل ترجمة للقراءة باللغة العربية 使用谷歌翻译在中国阅读 Использование Google Translate для чтения на русском языке Google Türkçe Oku Çevir kullanın SHORT URL: 8 Oct 2015 updated 8 Dec 2015 MEMORANDUM FOR  VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Berto Jongman: CIA’s Secret Torture Sites & the Competing CIA and DoD Drone Assassination Programs

CIA Torture REVEALED: The boom and bust of the CIA’s secret torture sites The quality of debriefers and security officers being sent to the site was degenerating, while the information coming out of it was “mediocre or, I dare say, useless”. The Assassination Complex Eight Papers on the Drone Programs of the USA Taken together, …

Michael Klare: Climate Change Tipping Points

Climate Change Tipping Points and the Question of Civilizational Survival Not so long ago, it was science fiction. Now, it’s hard science—and that should frighten us all. The latest reports from the prestigious and sober Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) make increasingly hair-raising reading, suggesting that the planet is approaching possible moments of irreversible …