Robert Steele: Homeland Security – The Much Bigger Picture

Homeland Security: The Much Bigger Picture Homeland Security Today, May 26, 2015 By: Robert David Steele As I scan the horizon across our homeland, what many of us think of as America the Beautiful, I cannot help but see something different — a troubled, even shocked, dysfunctional government, corrupt industry, the shallowness of our chattering …

Review: Democracy More or Less – America’s Political Reform Quandry

Bruce Cain 4.0 out of 5 stars Academic Smoke — Disdain for the Public & Denial Over Two-Party Tyranny, May 24, 2015 I spent some time reviewing the author’s history (he’s been writing about electoral matters since the 1970’s) and what Amazon offers through its superb Inside the Book feature, as I am unemployed and …

James Mattis: US Suffers from Strategic Atrophy

Mattis: U.S. Suffering ‘Strategic Atrophy’ By: John Grady USNI News, 14 May 2014 Speaking in Washington, D.C., retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis said, “the perception is we’re pulling back” on America’s commitment to its allies and partners, leaving them adrift in a changing world. “We have strategic atrophy.”

Joseph Stiglitz: New New Lipstick on the Pig

Today, Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, the Columbia professor and former economic advisor to Bill Clinton, [published] a new report for the Roosevelt Institute entitled “Rewriting the Rules,” which is basically a roadmap for what many progressives would like to see happen policy wise over the next four years. Eight “fixes” and PBI commentary below the …