Zero Hedge: Lockdown = Collective National Suicide! Open Letter & Video!

SHORT URL: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, released a now-viral video in which he calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective suicide”. Now he has written an open letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel and it is fantastic… Via, Full text of letter in ENGLISH and PDF of …

Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Direct Testimony on Google Perfidy (Zach Vorhies)

NOTE: The source is sporadically blicked and often at risk to total deplatforming. Below the fold is a partial backup copy of testimony.  Good news: Google/Yahoo may have accepted Trump threat/offer and are now playing straight.  This remains to be proven over time. We’re in a Full-Blown War Zach Vorhies on Partial copy below …

NATO Innovation Challenge: Pandemic Response — What Next?

Pandemic Response Innovation Challenge Submit your solutions to: – Identify false information and mitigate its effects – Deliver supply to isolated individuals and teams Compete in the NATO Innovation Challenge, get NATO-wide visibility and a chance to get support for the development of your solution.