Berto Jongman: $1 Trillion Lawsuit over Sandy Hook False Flag Terrorism by US Government

$1 Trillion Lawsuit Filed For Sandy Hook False Flag A filmmaker has decided to launch a $1 trillion dollar lawsuit against various big media companies over theirSandy Hook massacre coverage.  William Brandon Shanley has said that he has compelling evidence that suggests that no children or teachers died at Sandy Hook, and that the whole …

Howard Rheingold: Meta-Collaboration

Wonderfully, this post addresses three subjects I track because I know they are important: metacognition and its role in infotention, augmented collective intelligence, and the relationship of human cooperation to social media. Meta-Collaboration: Thinking With Another Feeling the emotions of others, social acceptance, and cooperation are critical to our early development of the identity and …

Berto Jongman: Proof ISIS Beheadings Faked UPDATE 2 Analysis of the Fake Video

Evidence mounts. Staged ISIS Execution Video Leaked By Hackers The 7-Foot ISIS Soldiers – Bizarre Images Of Giant Soldiers Prove Fakery   UPDATE 2: Corporate Media Covers Staged ISIS Beheading Video UPDATE 1: OpEd: Film Producer/Director’s Analysis of ISIS “Fraud” Video See Also: Berto Jongman: Another ISIS Beheading Likely Fraud — US Should WITHDRAW from …