John McGuire: YouTube (13:30) The Dawn of Open-Source Self-Sovereignty & The Human Element

Phi Beta Iota: 13.5 minutes, a cry from the heart of America, useful as a moment of personal self-reflection. A short video stressing the importance of Self-Evaluation, Identity Reclamation, and becoming an Agent for the Open-Source post-scarcity era. Thanks for your interest and support! Other Videos: John Maguire: YouTube (13:00) The Evolution of Open-Source Science …

Mini-Me: Hit Job on Petraeus and CIA Neo-Cons? The Panetta Narrative?

Huh? Op-Ed: Benghazi attack — The October surprise that backfired Eric Morales Digital Journal, 17 November 2012 The Romney campaign was banking on the Benghazi attack making Obama the next Jimmy Carter, however it has instead blown up in the face of the American right – only problem is, they haven’t realized that yet. Conservatives …

DefDog: Bimbo-Gate Covering Up CIA’s Continuing Use of Proxy Terrorists, Regime Change, and Triad of Drugs, Arms, and Money-Laundering

Open Season indeed.  A seismic shift appears to be occurring, and CIA is the new “best target.”  Below is s summary that represents the “worst-case” view of post Viet-Nam CIA. The Petraeus Affair vs. the CIA’s Long Criminal History By Julie Lévesque Global Research, November 15, 2012 The Petraeus Affair has demonstrated yet again how …

Gold Transformer: Has US Stolen German Gold? Will This Break German Bank? Does This Make IMF Chicago Plan Revisited a “Must Do”?

Germany financial architecture is under stress. If Germany fractures, Euro is gone. Could the US alleged theft of 1500 metric tons of German gold be part of the problem? Could this make the IMF August 2012 working group memorandum on The Chicago Proposal Revisited a “must do”? 7 Nov 2012  Does Anyone Really Know How …

Mini-Me: Germans Suspect Federal Reserve Bank of NY Has Stolen 1536 MetricTonnes of Gold — On Tim Geithner’s Watch

Huh? Germans demand bullion back after Federal Reserve refuses to let them view their own gold Marc Howe, 1 November 2012 A secret report by Germany’s Federal Audit Office leaked to the public last week states that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York refuses to allow Bundebank staff to even view the gold, …

John Steiner: IMF Working Paper The Chicago Plan Revisited (Eliminate Debt to Banks, End Credit Leverage, Governments Control Money)

Abstract: At the height of the Great Depression a number of leading U.S. economists advanced a proposal for monetary reform that became known as the Chicago Plan. It envisaged the separation of the monetary and credit functions of the banking system, by requiring 100% reserve backing for deposits. Irving Fisher (1936) claimed the following advantages …

Review: The Race for What’s Left – The Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources

Michael Klare 4.0 out of 5 stars All the Negatives, None of the Positives,October 22, 2012 I know and admire Professor Michael Klare and have given his earlier books such as his first blockbuster, Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict With a New Introduction by the Author rave reviews. This book is valuable …