Stephen E. Arnold: A Non-Profit Search Engine

A Not-For-Profit Search Engine? That’s So Crazy It Just Might Work The Common Search Project has a simple and straightforward mission statement. They want a nonprofit search engine, an alternative to the companies currently running the Internet (ahem, Google.) They are extremely polite in their venture, but also firmly invested in three qualities for the …

Stephen E. Arnold: An Open Source Search Engine to Experiment With

An Open Source Search Engine to Experiment With Apache Lucene receives the most headlines when it comes to discussion about open source search software.  My RSS feed pulled up another open source search engine that shows promise in being a decent piece of software.  Open Semantic Search is free software that cane be uses for …

Stephen E. Arnold: Stopping Google

Google. No One Can Stop It. No One. No One. Aaaargh. After cranking out three monographs about the Google between 2004 and 2009, it is pretty clear that the Google is falling victim to flawed reproduction of its own DNA. The death of the Alphabet Google will come from within the company itself.

Stephen E. Arnold: Citation Analytics Warmed Over and Still Incompetent

Innovation Is Not Reheated Pizza. Do you remember Eugene Garfield? He was the go to person in the field of citation analysis. The jargon attached to his figuring out how to identify who cited what journal article snagged old school jargon like bibliometrics. Dr. Garfield founded the Institute for Scientific Information. He sold ISI to …

Stephen E. Arnold: UK Cybersecurity Director Outlines Agency’s Failures in Ongoing Cyberwar

UK Cybersecurity Director Outlines Agencys Failures in Ongoing Cyberwar The article titled GCHQ: Spy Chief Admits UK Agency Losing Cyberwar Despite £860M Funding Boost on International Business Times examines the surprisingly frank confession made by Alex Dewdney, a director at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). He stated that in spite of the £860M funneled into …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Map Error Leads Stupid Human to Demolish Wrong House

A Google Maps: Accuracy Is Relative I read “Demolition Company Says a Google Maps Error Led Them to Tear Down the Wrong House.” Pesky humans. Google’s autonomous automobiles do not have accidents. When those accidents occur, a human is at fault. Bus drivers, grrrr. The write up suggests that a Google Map caused a human …

Stephen E. Arnold: Dark Web Gets Reputable — ProPublica Shifts to DarkWeb to Avoid Censorship and Monitoring

Reputable News Site Now on the Dark Web Does the presence of a major news site lend an air of legitimacy to the Dark Web? Wired announces, “ProPublica Launches the Dark Web’s First Major News Site.” Reporter Andy Greenberg tells us that ProPublica recently introduced a version of their site running on the Tor network. …