Amazon Kindle: CIA & The Deep State – Mike Pompeo is Totally Wrong – and Politico Totally Worthless (Trump Revolution Book 31)

COVER Cartoon by Ben Garrison, Rights Purchased, see his incredible work at On 23 May 2018 Politico featured a story, “Pompeo: No ‘deep state’ at State or CIA,” in which the Secretary of State, a few months ago and ever so briefly the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA), is quoted as being …

Robert Steele Reddit AMA: Digitally Assassinated by #GoogleGestapo (Zionists)

UPDATE: The following was posted 9 June 2018 by the organizer of the Ask Me Anything (AMA) event featuring Robert David Steele: [–]aleister[M] [score hidden] 3 hours ago Robert Steele has informed me that his account was suspended for three days, effectively a digital assassination of the AMA. He wants everybody to know that he …

Benjamin Fulford: Trump’s Clever Plans Continued — and a Break-Down of the Deep State Beligerents

Trump’s universal trade war declaration is bringing events to a head Full text posted with permission. U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of trade war with just about everybody is really just a case of Trump negotiating a Chapter 11-style bankruptcy for the United States.  A kinder way of putting it would be to say that …

Nori Huddle: Pope Francis Flipping on Pedophilia, or Resigning?

The Pope’s Turnaround on Sex Abuse May Have a ‘Tsunami Effect’ Pope Francis’s efforts to repair the situation in Chile are only just beginning, and these and other cases may yet challenge his papacy. But Cruz, in his interview with El País, was optimistic. “This is having a tsunami effect,” he said. “We have the …

Yoda: Deep Throat II “Fat Boy” aka “Cambridge Zero” Stefan Halper Outed as FBI’s “Penetration” of Trump Campaign UPDATE 2 Gone Missing

Shades of Java the Hutt — the Deep State’s fat boy, former Iran-Contra banker, former Dirty Trickster against Jimmy Carter for Ronald Reagan, married into CIA, paid by the Pentagon, used by the FBI against our President, with a Turkish joy girl as his assistant paid to seduce marks? Cambridge Zero, not to be compared …