Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Justin Raimondo

Justin Raimondo is an American author and the editorial director of the website Antiwar.com. He describes himself as a “conservative-paleo-libertarian.”  In addition to his thrice-weekly column for antiwar.com, he is a regular contributor to The American Conservative and Chronicles magazine. Raimondo also writes two columns a month for Taki’s Top Drawer.

Reference: Online Language Overview

Author’s Note: This is an on line version of a paper that Mike Bergman recently released under the auspices of BrightPlanet Corp The citation for this effort is: M.K. Bergman, “Tutorial:  Internet Languages, Character Sets and Encodings,” BrightPlanet Corporation Technical Documentation, March 2006, 13 pp. Yoshiki Mikami, who runs the UN’s Language Observatory, has an …