Google Effect: Signs of Intelligence in the UK

‘Google Effect’ Raised Bar for Spies to ‘Produce Secret Intelligence’: Ex-UK Intelligence Chief The rise of the web and Google means that spies in the UK need to work really hard to produce genuinely secret intelligence, former director of the country’s intelligence agency has said. Former chief of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) Sir David …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Flogs on Campus + RECAP

CIA runs all-source analytic competition for universities — neither the Open Source Center nor Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) are anywhere to be found. Deja vu? Covert Operation WC Wins High Honors at CIA Tri-State Intelligence Simulation Phi Beta Iota:  This was probably a variation of the superb Mid-Career Course (CIA’s mini-war college) analytic exercise but …

Marcus Aurelius: Seven Strategic Trends (Canada Sends)

Seven Sinister Strategic Trends: A Brief Examination of Events to Come by Lieutenant Nick Deshpande, Canadian Forces (Army), Intelligence Branch 1.  Decline of the United States 2.  Cyber Threats 3.  Fiscal Sustainability 4.  Transnational Organized Crime 5.  Environmental Degradation and Resource Scarcity 6.  Energy Crisis 7.  Global Pandemic  PDF 9 Pages Phi Beta Iota:   The …

Marcus Aurelius: Mexico City “C4I4” Surveillance Center

Mexico City Opens “C4I4″ Public-Surveillance Intelligence Center There are 13,000 surveillance cameras dispersed across this megalopolis, capturing everything in view, in real time and around the clock. The cameras peek at streets and people from the tops of light poles, inside buses and over subway platforms, watching in the name of public safety. The local …

Review (UK): Los servicios de inteligencia ante el siglo XXI [Intelligence Services in the 21st Century]

Gustavo DIAZ Matey 5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely important Spanish-language future-relevant book on intelligence, 31 Oct 2011 I know the author personally, have followed his work over many years, and consider him to be one of the top authorities on intelligence writing in the Spanish language. I recently worked with him in Spain on …

Reference: 2011 FBI National Gang Threat Assessment

Preface The National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) prepared the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment (NGTA) to examine emerging gang trends and threats posed by criminal gangs to communities throughout the United States. The 2011 NGTA enhances and builds on the gang-related trends and criminal threats identified in the 2009 assessment. It supports US Department of …