Eagle: Banks & Foreclosures As Financial Terrorism – Enabled by Out of Control Corrupt Judges

Here is an example of human lives and costs of those “judges” who have no more authority to judge a ham sandwich than their fellow man. The banks and their ilk are engaged in domestic terrorism against the American people. This is enabled by an out of control corrupt judicial system — with Maryland and …

Daniel Ellsberg: On Secrecy & Whistleblowing with Comment by Robert Steele

Secrecy and National Security Whistleblowing Daniel Ellsberg on January 8, 2013 [Originally published in Social Research] I) Reflections on Secret-keeping and Identity In the “national security” area of the government–the White House, the departments of state and defense, the armed services and the “intelligence community,” along with their contractors–there is less whistleblowing than in other …

Mini-Me: High-Tech CEOs Create Congressional Incentive Fund on Immigration

Huh? Mark Zuckerberg and Other Tech Giants Form Political Advocacy Group Mark Zuckerberg is on a mission to reform U.S. immigration policy. The Facebook co-founder has announced the official launch of FWD.us, a political advocacy group that aims to foster technology innovation and entrepreneurialism. News of the group was first reported late last month by …

Penguin: Commercial Co-Optation (Corruption) of Civil Rights & Non-Profits Across USA — and Mayor Bloomberg Did the Right Thing?

This trend is about to continue and we can expect more and more technological solutions that are tailored to the HLS needs. In many cases the industries, especially in Israel, “teach” the market what it needs. This may look a twisted process, but it is not. On the contrary, This is a very healthy trend …

Mike Lofgren: America’s Three-Tiered Justice System

America’s Three-Tiered Justice System Wednesday, 20 March 2013 00:00 By Mike Lofgren, Truthout | News Analysis Big shots are above the law, the government now admits, but a three-tiered justice system has Congress churning out new bills to keep the prison industry booming. “Equal Justice under Law,” is the motto inscribed on the frieze of the United States …