Journal: Stupid Is As Stupid Does–Israel…Again

With the possible exception of Syria, Turkey is the most welcoming and friendliest country in the Mediterranean.  It is also the Islamic country that is on the friendliest terms with Israel.  It predecessor, the Ottoman Empire, had a distinguished history of providing a welcoming sanctuary for Jew persecuted by Christians, particular those in Spain.  But …

Journal: Complexity to Avoid Accountability is Expensive

A central critique in my book, Defense Facts of Life: the Plans/Reality Mismatch (Westview,1985), what the trend toward increasing technical complexity in the Pentagon’s weapons and organizational arrangements caused all sorts of self destructive pathologiess — which I described in considerable detail and in subsequent studies. I defined “complexity” as a quality of the “whole” …

Journal: Haiti Update 20 January 2010 AM

Haitians flee in fear as big aftershock hits PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – The most powerful aftershock yet struck Haiti on Wednesday, shaking more rubble from damaged buildings and sending screaming people running into the streets eight days after the country’s capital was devastated by an apocalyptic quake. The extent of additional damage or injuries caused by …

Definitions: Hubris

Hubris means extreme haughtiness or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of touch with reality and overestimating one’s own competence or capabilities, especially for people in positions of power. In its modern usage, hubris denotes overconfident pride and arrogance; it is often associated with a lack of humility, not always with the lack of knowledge. …