Journal: MILNET–Loss of Rule of Law, Aviation Insecurity

Judge Tosses NSA Spy Cases U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision was a major blow to the  two suits testing warrantless eavesdropping and executive branch  powers implemented following the 2001 terror attacks. The San  Francisco judge said the courts are not available to the public to  mount that challenge. “A citizen may not gain standing …

Journal: Haiti Mass Movement Out of Capital

Many flee Haiti capital, govt plans tent cities PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Haitians are fleeing their quake-ravaged capital by the hundreds of thousands, aid officials said Friday, as their government promised to help nearly a half-million more move from squalid camps on curbsides and vacant lots into safer, cleaner tent cities. Aid officials said some 200,000 …

Journal: Haiti Update 22 January 2010 AM

In Need of Port Repairs, Haiti Relocating 400,000 PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti  —  Haitian officials are planning a massive relocation of 400,000 people from makeshift camps to the outskirts of the capital as the U.S. government tackles repairs to the damaged main port — dual efforts to help residents survive the aftermath of the catastrophic earthquake. The …

Search: smart nation intelligence reform electoral reform national security reform

Lovely to see a search like this.  Here are the core references and then a comment and then a number of other references, but the reality is that this entire website is about creating a smart nation, and world brain, and four reforms: electoral, intelligence, governance, and national security. Afterthought:  all the references from the …