Robert Steele @ Amazon: REINVENTING ENGINEERING: The Ultimate Hack — Creating a Prosperous World at Peace with Open Source Everything

Amazon Print Page Steele, Robert, REINVENTING ENGINEERING: The Ultimate Hack — Creating a Prosperous World at Peace with Open Source Everything (Amazon CreateSpace, Earth Intelligence Network, 2020). Holistic analytics, true cost economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) are the non-negotiable enablers of the post-Western economy, probably led by the Chinese since the Americans have …

Stephen E. Arnold: Informatica Data Catalogue an Amazon Play?

Informatica: A Play for Greater Relevance in an Amazon Chess Game? According to “Informatica Aims to Better Track Data Lineage with AI-Powered Data Catalog,” its AI-powered data catalog, called Catalog of Catalogs is notable because it is trying to track data lineage across ecosystems. Catalog of Catalogs includes metadata scanners for business intelligence, data warehouses, …