Robert Young Pelton: Foreign Policy Gets It Wrong on Afghanistan — PBI: Funded Disinformation?

There is a need to establish a truthful narrative, background and facts. Below is antithetical to all that. Fraud and Folly in Afghanistan The  runoff round of the Afghan presidential election on June 14 was massively rigged, and the ensuing election audit was “unsatisfactory,” a result of Afghan government-orchestrated fraud on a scale exceeding two …

Yoda: Ghani Declared Winner in Afghanistan + RECAP of Prior Posts

Told you so, we did. Ashraf Ghani Wins Afghanistan’s Presidential Election: Preliminary Results KABUL, July 7 (Reuters) – Afghanistan declared former World Bank official Ashraf Ghani the winner of last month’s presidential election run-off on Monday on preliminary results that threaten to split the country along ethnic lines. The Independent Election Commission said Ghani won …

Robert Young Pelton: Analysis of the Afghan Run-Off — Ghani Won, Abdullah’s Claims Without Merit

In the controversy and protesting stirred up by Abdullah, what is missing is a calm review of today’s political landscape in Afghanistan. Javid Ahmad a Program Coordinator for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and Ahmad Hemmat, a D.C.-based researcher and advisor to the chairman of International Energy Partnerships makes some …

2014 Robert Steele On Defense Intelligence – Seven Strikes

On Defense Intelligence: Seven Strikes I consider defense intelligence today to be incoherent and ineffective. It has no grasp of the totality of the threat; it is largely worthless in providing SecDef with evidence-based decision support relevant to strategy, policy, acquisition, and operations; and it does not help DoD within the Cabinet when decision-support is …

Ashraf Ghani Claims Victory in Afghanistan

Ashraf Ghani claims Afghan presidential election victory Campaign team says Ghani has beaten rival by more than 1.3m votes, but Abdullah Abdullah withdraws because of alleged fraud Emma Graham-Harrison Guardian, 27 June 2014 Read full article. Phi Beta Iota: Ghani has his copy of all the tallies, most counter-signed by Abdullah’s polling place representative. This …

Robert Young Pelton: ON AFGHANISTAN – Why Abdullah and Fraud Will Destroy the Country and Destabilize the Region

Phi Beta Iota: RYP wrote this in part to react to Abdullah’s cavalier rejection of the Iraq scenario playing out  today, for Afghanistan. His over-all point is that both candidates — Abdullah and Ghani — have pluses and minuses  that voters and donors must consider BUT that there is only one clean candidate capable of …