Robert Steele: Donald Trump, The Accidental President — Under Siege! A Soft Coup Rages within a Closed Rigged System… (Trump Revolution 05)

SHORT URL: UPDATE 2 of 13 January 2016 See Also (New Information): Steele, Robert. “Former CIA Spy Has A Christmas Message For Trump,” ZeroHedge, December 24 2016. Steele, Robert. “Former CIA Spy Has A Surprising Christmas Message For Trump,” The Mind Unleashed, December 23, 2016. UPDATE 1 of 17 November 2016 Donald Trump, The …

Eagle: Dilbert’s 6 Reasons Trump Wins Big…

Tip of the Hat to Tyler Durden. ‘Dilbert’ Creator’s 6 Reasons Why Trump Will “Win In A Landslide” In November Scott Adams – creator of the infamous Dilbert cartoons – believes Donald Trump will win the presidency in a landslide. Trump’s “meticulously plotted domination,” as Adams explains to The Washington Post, stems from his running …

Robert Steele: Washington Post Offers 10 Reasons Hillary Clinton Will Beat Donald Trump — I Counter Each (1 True, 5 False, 4 Half & Half)

SHORT URL: Jennifer Rubin, a former lawyer, is a conservative columnist for The Washington Post. Below I take the first line only from her , and offer concise rebuttals in favor of Trump’s winning — with the caveat that if Trump cannot listen and adjust in the next 30 days, Ms. Rubin is in …

Greg Palast: Why are Christie and the Kochs in my driveway? It’s time to subpoena the Committee for Our Children’s Future

Why are Christie and the Kochs in my driveway? It’s time to subpoena the Committee for Our Children’s Future By Greg Palast for Truthout Thursday, 16. January 2014 Far more insidious, more corrosive and dangerous than the Governor of New Jersey playing traffic warden is the story of Gov. Chris Christie’s secret meetings with a …

Greg Palast: GOP Is Going to Steal 2012 Election — and No One Will Stop It or Complain

Greg Palast on How the GOP Is Planning to Steal the 2012 Election Wednesday, 12 September 2012 14:32 By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview Greg Palast is back with a timely new book, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps.  In the book, which is illustrated by Ted Rall …