SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Trump-Miracle
UPDATE 2 of 13 January 2016
See Also (New Information):
Steele, Robert. “Former CIA Spy Has A Christmas Message For Trump,” ZeroHedge, December 24 2016.
Steele, Robert. “Former CIA Spy Has A Surprising Christmas Message For Trump,” The Mind Unleashed, December 23, 2016.
UPDATE 1 of 17 November 2016
Donald Trump, The Accidental President – Under Siege!
A Soft Coup Rages within a Closed Rigged System…
Donald Trump Junior has responded to the concerns of many. “Trump will not resign,” he says. We take him at his word. There is also evidence now that Donald Trump, our President-Elect, is beginning to understand the forces arrayed against him, forces that the sitting President, Barack Obama, is enabling. Wayne Madsen writes:
President-elect Trump is facing a two-pronged attack by his opponents. One, led by entrenched neo-con bureaucrats, including former Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and Bush family loyalists are seeking to call the shots on who Trump appoints to senior national security, intelligence, foreign policy, and defense positions in his administration. These neo-Cold Warriors are trying to convince Trump that he must maintain the Obama aggressiveness and militancy toward Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries. The second front arrayed against Trump is from Soros-funded political groups and media. This second line of attack is a propaganda war, utilizing hundreds of anti-Trump newspapers, web sites, and broadcasters, that will seek to undermine public confidence in the Trump administration from its outset. [i]

As protests and riots continue and spread – high school students are now being organized by professional agitators and covert social media campaigns designed to foment civil stress against the President-Elect, Trump has been slow to recognize that he is a 27% “fringe” president (as Barack Obama was and as Hillary Clinton would have been), and slow to understand that his first priority, having been elected “unshackeled” and therefore an existential threat to the dual Democratic-Republican Establishment that represents only 30% of the eligible voters, must be to unify the country by educating the 73% who did not vote for him, on how the system is rigged twelve different ways,[ii] and by passing the Electoral Reform Act – the Unity Act – to demonstrate to one and all that our President-Elect represents the fastest, cheapest path toward restoring integrity to our government and making our government, for the first time in a very long time, one that is Of, By, and For We the People instead of the 1%.
Only after doing this – and securing a mandate twice that of any prior president (by engaging the 47% that did not vote and the 26% who voted for Hillary Clinton (less the three million illegal immigrants and dead people – she did not win the popular vote),[iii] can he then begin to plan for the future.
An Electoral Reform Act – a Unity Act – empowers the President-Elect by stopping the protests and demonstrating his resolve to represent the 99% instead of the 1%; by liberating the Members of Congress from dependency on lobbyists and corporate funding; and by exploding the talent pool available to him should he decided to create an open system, a Kennedy-esque system that integrates the best and the brightest from across the political spectrum.
A Grand Strategy Summit in which candidates for ALL Cabinet positions and from ALL sources are tested against one another before being considered by President-Elect Trump, and a Presidential Academy that trains the incoming political leadership cadre as a whole, are the two additional recommendations being made to President-Elect Donald Trump.
Anyone not supporting a peaceful transition of power to this miracle President is a traitor.
[i] Wayne Madsen, “Clintons and Soros Launch ‘Purple Revolution’ in America,” Strategic Culture Foundation, 11 November 2016.
[ii] RIGGED: Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters, Amazon Kindle, October 23, 2016, 31 pages, $0.99.
[iii] Paul Joseph Watson, “Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens,” DCClothsLine, November 14, 2016.
The Accidental President – Will He Resign?
The Closed System is Still Rigged and Likely to Remain So…
Robert David Steele
Poor Donald Trump. He never really wanted to be president, only to build his brand. He may or may not have had a deal with Lynn Rothschild to pull his punches but it certainly looked that way to some of the best intelligence analysts this country has ever produced[1] – he put all of his energy into white working class voters – a brilliant but incomplete strategy – and consistently refused all advice with respect to reaching out to the 70% of the eligible voters who are completely disenfranchised, including people of color and Latinos.[2]
We now know that Donald Trump had a secret weapon – apart from “winning white” his team relied on “purging black.” Greg Palast has outlined how Arizona, Michigan, and North Carolina specifically, were wins engineered by the Grand Old Party (GOP)’s Operation Crosscheck, led by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Koback. Over 1.1 million carefully selected people, generally of color, were purged in nine different ways.[3]
Still, even if taken together – winning white and purging black – Donald Trump would not have won without two huge spasms in the much larger more refined Democratic process for stealing elections within a system that is rigged twelve different ways.[4] He pulled his punches.
When Stanford University documented the theft of the nomination from Bernie Sanders by Hillary Clinton, using electronic ballot tampering,[5] Donald Trump was silent. The one graphic below addresses 18 states with paper trails versus 13 states without paper trails[6] and was willfully ignored by the media – both progressive and conservative, as well as Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was also silent when the combination of leaked emails from John Podesta and 650,000 emails found on one of Anthony Weiner’s laptops demonstrated a compelling mix of pedophilia by Hillary Clinton and John Podesta as well as outright treason – classified information sent to IP addresses in Saudi Arabia and Qatar by both Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin and clear evidence of “pay to play” influence peddling by Hillary Clinton selling US blood, treasure, and spirit to France (Libya) and Saudi Arabia (Syria and Yemen) as well as US uranium (Russia) in return for money.[7]
For fifteen months, beginning with a comprehensive article in CounterPunch, “Counter-Coup: How Trump Can Win,”[8] delivered to him five different ways, Donald Trump refused to entertain a commitment to both outreach and electoral reform, despite his occasional statement that “the system is rigged” (I said it first, to the Occupy Working Group on Electoral Reform in 2011).[9] He later refused to entertain a Debt Renunciation Pledge that would have brought over all youth with crushing student debt and all elderly with crushing medical debt, as well as small businesses and family farms being crushed by predatory lenders.[10] He appears to have refused repeated suggestions that he meet with Michael Hudson, the one economist who understands that the debt burden will stymie all other good intentions,[11] or Edgar Feige, the one economist that understands how to eliminate all income taxes while tripling revenue with a fractional Automated Payment Transaction (APT) Tax that applies to the entire economy including Wall Street currency and stock transactions, as illustrated below.[12]

Donald Trump and the GOP purging of 1.1 million black voters did not win this race[13] (I praise God that he was in fact elected); Hillary Clinton lost this race twice over after first over-coming deep documentation of her lack of character and deep personal corruption.[14] Her attempts to blame the Russians for hacking her emails (they did not, that was disgruntled NSA employees according to NSA whistleblower William Binney[15]) and for tampering with the ballot boxes (that was all her) backfired. She drew so much attention to electronic voting fraud that honest elements of the government closed those doors and she could not do to Trump what she did to Sanders. She probably did not actually win the popular vote; at least some of those votes were almost certainly residual fraud missed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) monitors.
She lost the race a second time when the leaked emails from John Podesta revealed the true depravity of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Clinton Foundation, and Hillary Clinton individually – throw in the public unease with 650,000 emails newly known to be in the hands of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – an organization that is badly led but staffed by very good people with scruples – and this translated into millions of her most squeamish former supporters deciding to stay home.[16] Some say this was a “counter-coup” by outraged intelligence and national security professionals.[17]
Protests and Swamp Creatures
Meanwhile, we have protests that could easily turn into riots[18] as the children of privilege – most of them morally and intellectually challenged – suffer from “trauma”[19] over seeing a woman who should be hanging by the neck for treason and fraud lose to a man who for all his positive features, really does not care about government and is probably in agony over the idea of being confined to the White House and controlled by the Secret Service. As he gets a grip on his situation – he has shown some touching humility in recent days – the Heritage Foundation is bragging that they are the transition team,[20] and – I speculate – Dick Cheney and Ed Meese are chortling in the background, certain they can manipulate this “chump from New York.”
I invested fifteen months trying to help Donald Trump win. In additional to my August 2015 article in CounterPunch, and many online posts, I published four Kindle Shorts as shown below, the last one sitting in the Top 20 for Amazon Politics on most days.[21] It troubles me that today in the aftermath of what can only be viewed as a miracle, Donald Trump, Reince Priebus, and Paul Ryan all seem oblivious to the obvious: this is a God-given opportunity to restore integrity to our electoral and governance processes.

It is a fact that 47% of our eligible voters chose not to vote at all. Donald Trump is a minority president, splitting 51% of the vote with Hillary Clinton while Gary Johnson took the remaining fraction.[22] Donald Trump – like Barack Obama – was elected by no more than 27% of the eligible voters. Nothing has changed in the rigged system and there are no prospects for change because the Trump Transition Team does indeed seem to be populated entirely by Swamp People – and the occasional billionaire from the West Coast.
It is also a fact that Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, and Jill Stein – among others – remain anathema to the Trump Transition Team. The GOP and the Trump Transition Team are a small closed system shutting out everyone else, which is precisely the wrong thing to do if Donald Trump is serious – I continue to give him personally the benefit of the doubt and offer my prayers – about unifying and nurturing our Republic, America the Beautiful.
Assassination and the “Purple” Color Revolution
John Kerry is in Antarctica, Bill and Hillary Clinton are in hiding, and Barack Obama and George Soros appear to be in the early stages of a “Color Revolution” that uses the same tactics we have used to destroy other countries, against TrumpLand.[23] We speculate that Donald Trump is going to be pressured into resigning while Mike Pence will be pressured to take on a Democratic “co-president” such as Elizabeth Warren, ostensibly to create a “Purple Revolution” that in fact keeps the two-party tyranny subservient to Wall Street and the Rothschilds intact – this is the point of the funded organized protests turning into riots and perhaps eventually staged shootings by white paramilitary operatives working for neo-fascists like George Soros.
President-elect Trump is facing a two-pronged attack by his opponents. One, led by entrenched neo-con bureaucrats, including former Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and Bush family loyalists are seeking to call the shots on who Trump appoints to senior national security, intelligence, foreign policy, and defense positions in his administration. These neo-Cold Warriors are trying to convince Trump that he must maintain the Obama aggressiveness and militancy toward Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries. The second front arrayed against Trump is from Soros-funded political groups and media. This second line of attack is a propaganda war, utilizing hundreds of anti-Trump newspapers, web sites, and broadcasters, that will seek to undermine public confidence in the Trump administration from its outset. [24]
Such are the games that the elites and their two-party tyranny sock-puppets play with our blood, treasure, and spirt.
This is the counter-counter-coup. Donald Trump appears incapable of listening to those of us who know who to defeat this blatant well-funded assault on his Presidency.
Purple My Ass – Try Integrity Plus Open Source Everything
If Donald Trump and Mike Pence want to get this right, they need to focus on breaking out of the closed rigged system that disenfranchises 70% of the public. They could learn a great deal from Harrison Owen, inventor of Open Space Technology and author of Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World; my friends Mitch Ratcliffe and Jon Lebkowski, authors of Extreme Democracy; and my mentor Tom Atlee, author of The Tao of Democracy: Using co-intelligence to create a world that works for all, and so many others whose offerings I have reviewed on Amazon, one hundred of which are included in my essay on Democracy Lost.[25]
If I were to single out just one author who is black, as far from the lily-white Donald Trump world as possible, and a Nobel-level mind whose reflections would be a persistent antidote to the self-confirming Swamp People that seem to be taking over the Trump Transition Team, it would be Cornell West, author of Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against Imperialism.[26] Show me Donald Trump and Cornell West having a serious conversation, and I will guarantee you this country is on its way to greatness.
There are three specific things Donald Trump and the Republican-led Congress can do to stop the riots and protests while moderating the rush of Swamp People eager to take Trump for all they can loot in the early days. If the “Purple Revolution” subversion continues, the Clintons and Soros need to be put in jail and the Rothschilds under investigation.
STEP ONE: Announce, immediately – before Thanksgiving – an Electoral Reform Summit in December that includes all of the 2016 presidential candidates and many others,[27] and commit to developing an Electoral Reform Act – a Unity Act – that will be the first legislation to be signed on Inauguration Day. Restore ballot access and a meaningful counted vote to the 70% who are now disenfranchised as shown below, and point out to the Democrats that this Act will give them a fair shake in 2018 and beyond but neither they nor the Republican Party will ever again manipulate the electorate or control the public treasury as they have in the past. Protests will cease immediately, and President-Elect Donald Trump will have – against all odds – restored the integrity of the Republic. The Electoral Reform Act or Unity Act will fix the twelve specific ways in which the system is rigged, to include liberation of all Members of Congress from reliance on corporate funding for their political campaigns. This would disembowel all lobbyists, and enable President Trump and the now restored bi-partisan Congress to begin making evidence-based decisions that will rapidly address the 50% waste characteristic of all government departments and agencies, freeing up funds for the grand policy objectives centered on jobs, infrastructure, education, health, and border security.[28]

STEP TWO: Convene a Grand Strategy Summit,[29] also in December, while demanding that for the first time, the Office of Presidential Personnel (OPP) devise with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) a sub-set within USAJOBS.gov where the Plum Book (United States Policy and Supporting Positions) can be posted and applications can be loaded from four different sources other than self-selected individuals: Team Trump, Congress, Citation Analytics, and Continuity appointments. Done right, this will create a completely different set of evidence-based policy priorities than those being foisted on the President-elect now by people who are certain they can lie to him and get away with it – and it will avoid Team Trump falling prey to Satanic Ghost Dick Cheney (and other neo-cons who have cost us $5 trillion dollars and created a massive global economic and social collapse). Below is a notional Grand Strategy for national security – a similar Grand Strategy could be created with a domestic focus that emphasized jobs, tax and debt relief, free education, and health as a public service.[30]

STEP THREE: Create a Presidential Academy, perhaps at the National Defense University or with help from Georgetown University, and hire 4,000 political appointees in phases – only one fifth right away, the rest in the late Spring and early summer so families can move without disrupting households and the education of their children – but each group of 250-500 should be hired as complete slates approved by the varied responsible Cabinet officers, and trained together in a manner that assures a final vetting of their moral and intellectual quality, their complete grasp of Presidential intent as articulated in the Grand Strategy document, and their molding as an inter-agency “Whole of Government” TEAM that will be nurtured by OPP, including a Help Desk. The traditional practice of throwing dubiously-qualified individuals at each position, and never crafting a working network that is responsive to a Grand Strategy approved in detail by the President, the Cabinet, and Congress, should be abandoned.
It may be that Donald Trump will grow to enjoy being the first modern president who is truly of, by, and for We the People. He is certainly in a position to completely redesign the job to his liking….but only if he first unifies the country with a tangible Electoral Reform Act, while he avoids being captured by the Swamp People.
You heard it here first: I predict that Donald Trump is going to resign and leave Mike Pence as President, with Elizabeth Warren as a “reconciliation” Vice President. I cannot predict when but I am fairly sure this is going to happen. The direct threat to his life from the Wall Street cabal, combined with the idea of being a prisoner of the Secret Service and having to constantly shake hands with strangers is going to grate on Donald Trump like raw coral on an open wound. Besides, how cool is it to actually be the President for a few months, and then wash your hands of the system and go back to being a billionaire? Mike Bloomberg, eat your heart out, this could have been you. Never mind that he will be a quitter easily manipulated into giving up.
Whether he wants to resign at the earliest possible moment or not, an Electoral Reform Act, a Grand Strategy, and a completely new approach to how we hire, train, and support presidential personnel, could be his lasting legacy.
The system remains rigged and the Swamp People appear on track to owning Donald Trump as they will own Mike Pence if Donald Trump leaves. Both these good men appear to be ignoring the God-given moment of opportunity for creating the 2nd American Republic – the inclusive open 2nd American Republic, no longer a neo-fascist gulag of, by, and for Wall Street.
Robert David Steele is a former spy, honorary hacker, and the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 categories. He briefed Occupy on electoral reform in a video that went viral, ran briefly for the Reform Party nomination, aggregating good ideas at We the People Reform Coalition, and is today the pro bono CEO of an educational non-profit, Earth Intelligence Network. His most recent books are OPEN POWER: Electoral Reform Act of 2015 – Open Source Activist Tool-Kit, and The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, & Trust. A Guardian profile of him has received 73,000 likes
Cover Art
Tip of the Hat to David Icke whose original graphic can be viewed online with additional text.
[1] Robert Steele: Has Trump Accepted A $20B Bribe From Lynn Rothschild To Throw The Election? UPDATE 15, Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog (PBI), 15 August 2016.
[2] Rob Urie. “By the Numbers: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are Fringe Candidates.” CounterPunch, 27 May 2016.
[3] Greg Palast, “The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How,” GregPalast.com, 11 November 2016.
[4] RIGGED: Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters, Amazon Kindle, October 23, 2016, 31 pages, $0.99.
[5] Sean Adi-Tabatabai, “Stanford University Confirms Democratic Election Fraud.” YourNewsWire, 16 June 2016 and Alexander Higgins, “Odds Hillary Won Without Widespread Fraud: 1 in 77 Billion Says Berkeley, Stanford Studies.” Higgins News Network, 18 June 2016. On ballot tampering generally, see Beverly Harris, Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century, Talion, 2004; Brad Friedman, “Diebold voting machines can be hacked by remote control.” Salon, 27 September 2011; and Jonathan Simon, CODE RED: Computerized Election Theft and the New American Century: Election 2016 Edition, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014.
[6] Axel Geijsel and Rodolfo Cortes Barragan, “Are we witnessing a dishonest election? A between state comparison based on the used voting procedures of the 2016 Democratic Party Primary for the Presidency of the United States of America,” White Paper, 7 June 2016.
[7] Cf. Antechinus + Owl: Hillary Clinton Going Down for Treason, Pedophilia, & Murder — NYPD Insights on the “Soft Coup”, PBI, 6 November 2016; Robert Steele: Certified Letter to James Comey – Pedophilia, Electoral Fraud, Treason, Charity Fraud – UPDATE 5, PBI, 5 November 2016; Owl: John Podesta Emails Exposing Elite Pedophilia and Satanic Rituals Including Child Murder “Snuffing” UPDATE 1, PBI, 5 November 2016; Faded Rose: YouTube (8:46) Alex Jones on Hillary Clinton’s Top Aide – John Podesta’s Cult, Pedophilia, & Snuffing Connections — Temple Found in NY, NYPD Demanding FBI Do Its Job…, PBI, 5 November 2016; Berto Jongman: Politics – Forget the classified emails — Podesta emails show America is run as a rigged system, PBI, 4 November 2016; Norie Huddle: Does Huma Abedin’s Laptop Have ALL of the Hillary Clinton Emails Including “Quid Pro Quo” Influence Peddling Exchanges and Saudi or Israeli Intelligence Exchanges? UPDATE 1, PBI, 2 November 2016; Graphic & YouTube: Is Huma Abedin a Saudi or Israeli Mole and Hillary Clinton’s “Minder”?, PBI, 2 November 2016.
[8] Robert Steele, ““Counter-Coup: How Trump Can Win,” CounterPunch, 14 August 2015.
[9] “Robert Steele OWS Electoral Reform Proposal,” YouTube (5:51), uploaded by Phil Small, 3 November 2011; see also “How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny.” Reality Sandwich, 24 May 2012.
[10] Editor, Debt Renunciation as a Presidential Campaign Trump Card, PBI, 7 September 2016.
[11] Michael Hudson, Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy, ISLET, 20 August 2015; Paul Craig Roberts, “Why Michael Hudson is the World’s Best Economist,” CounterPunch, 3 February 2016; and Michael Hudson with Chris Hedges, “The Great Ponzi Scheme of the Global Economy, CounterPunch, 25 March 2016.
[12] Edgar Feige, The Automated Payment Transaction Tax, apttax.com, undated, accessed 11 November 2016 and Peter J. Reilly, “Balanced Budget And Comprehensive Tax Reform Made Simple? The Automated Payment Transaction Tax,” Forbes, 28 October 2012.
[13] Tribune Media Wire, “What are the odds of Trump, Clinton winning the 2016 presidential election?” WGNTV.com, 1 November 2016.
[14] Cf. Gary Byrne, Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate, Center Street, 28 June 2016; Peter Schweizer, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, Harper, 26 July 2016; and Edward Klein, Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation, Regnery, 4 October 2016.
[15] Alex Christoforou, “NSA whistleblower says DNC hack was not done by Russia, but by U.S. intelligence,” The Duran, 1 August 2016.
[16] Supra Note 7, see especially my summary one-page letter to FBI Director James Comey.
[17] Steve Pieczenik: Counter-Coup — US Intelligence Joins with WikiLeaks to “Put Down” the Criminal Cabal Seeking to Extend Control Over US Government, PBI, 2 November 2016.
[18] Melanie Eversley, Aamer Madhani, and Rick Jervis, “Anti-Trump protests, some violent, erupt for 3rd night nationwide,” USA Today, 11 November 2016.
[19] Cf. Emily Zanotti, “Cry-Ins, Trauma, Canceled Exams: College Campus Freakouts Over Trump,” HeatStreet, 9 November 2016.
[20] Jay Caruso, “No Surprise: Trump’s Transition Team Is Filled with Swamp Things,” RedState, 11 November 2016.
[21] Robert Steele, REVOLUTION!: How Donald Trump Can Win and Govern by Championing Electoral Reform, a Coalition Cabinet, a Balanced Budget, and a Constitutional Convention in 2018, Amazon Kindle, March 16, 2016, 111 pages, 99 cents; Democracy Riots! We are all black now – deal with it!, Amazon Kindle, March 22, 2016, 24 pages, 99 cents; DEPLORABLES RISING! Trump Can Win With a Debt Jubilee and Electoral Reform, Amazon Kindle, October 11, 2016, 9 pages, $0.99; and RIGGED: Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters, Amazon Kindle, October 23, 2016, 31 pages, $0.99.
[22] Nick Bernabe, “Actually, ‘Nobody’ Won the 2016 Presidential Election — and It Was a Landslide,” The Anti Media, 11 November 2016.
[23] Martin Berger, “Is Obama Staging a Color Revolution in the US?,” New Eastern Outlook, 12 November 2016.
[24] Wayne Madsen, “Clintons and Soros Launch ‘Purple Revolution’ in America,” Strategic Culture Foundation, 11 November 2016.
[25] Harrison Owen, Open Space Technology: A User’s Guide, Berrett-Koehler, 1 April 2008, and Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World, Berrett-Koehler, 1 October 2008; Jon Lebkowsky and Mitch Ratcliffe, Extreme Democracy, Lulu, 1 June 2005; and Tom Atlee, The Tao of Democracy: Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World that Works for All, The Writer’s Collective, 1 January 2010 (reprinted from 2000). The essay, Democracy Lost, includes one hundred reviews of books on democracy as available from Amazon. I am indebted to Daniel Mezick for reminding me via electronic mail of the contrast that exists, in my opinion, between the closed system that is the Trump Transition Team (and also the two-party tyranny), and the inclusive open system that allows for all good ideas to be considered.
[26] Cornell West, Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against Imperialism, Penguin, 30 August 2005.
[27] Cf. Robert Steele: Open Power Electoral Reform — Open Letter to Tom Steyer with Proposed Action Plan for Re-Asserting Public Sovereignty, PBI, 7 September 2015. Electoral Reform is the most non-partisan trans-partisan issue – it is “root” and without it the US Government will never achieve integrity in governance.
[28] Cf. Robert Steele, Open Power: Electoral Reform Act of 2015, Open Source Activist Tool-Kit, Amazon Kindle, February 24, 2015. 216 pp. $2.99. A free online essay, “Democracy Lost,” includes 100 book reviews. Multiple graphics and articles on Open Power Electoral Reform, including the specifics of a twelve-point Electoral Reform Act, can be found at Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog.
[29] The last Grand Strategy devised by the US Government was done in 1953 under President Dwight Eisenhower. It was called Project Solarium. The Quadrennial Reviews and what passes for national and military strategy today are merely dishonest platitudes and budget-building exercises divorced from reality or the public interest. Cf. Robert Steele, “The National Military Strategy: Dishonest Platitudes,” CounterPunch, 6 July 2015.
[30] Funded by the US Army’s Strategic Studies Institute and a year in development, this three-monograph series is comprised of a foundation monograph on Grand Strategy; an intermediate monograph on Global Reality; and a concluding monograph on Re-Inventing the US Army. The first monograph has been published as An American Grand Strategy: Evidence-Based, Affordable, Balanced, Flexible, Amazon Kindle, October 31, 2015. 64 pages. 99 cents; the introduction to the third monograph has been published as Reflections on The People’s Army, The Constitution, & Grand Strategy – What Nobody – Least of All Clinton or Trump – Wants to Talk About…, Amazon Kindle, September 21, 2016 11 pages, $0.99. The second monograph is free online as Robert Steele: Reinventing the US Army Part II – Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations, PBI, 1 September 2016.