Jean Lievens: Warren Karlenzig: Collective Intelligence–Cities as Global Intelligence Platform

Warren Karlenzig: Collective Intelligence–Cities as Global Intelligence Platform Social media and collaborative technologies–layered with smart systems combining geo-location data with human experience–will make cities the driving sustainability force in a dawning planetary era. Cities will anticipate new risks with rapid urban systems innovation based upon crowdsourcing, virtual and physical communities, and transparent markets sensitive to …

DefDog: Harnessing Collective Intelligence

Insight to collective cooperation……. From Phoenecia to Hayek to the ‘Cloud’ Matt Ridley EXTRACT: Knowledge is dispersed and shared. Friedrich Hayek was the first to point out, in his famous 1945 essay “The Uses of Knowledge in Society,” that central planning cannot work because it is trying to substitute an individual all-knowing intelligence for a …

Graphic: Collective Intelligence Application Framework

here is a 5.7MB png file or here a 0.8MB pdf file here as a zoomable version using the gmaps engine (handle gently, it seems to stop working if handled roughly): and based on feedback on readability i made a 13 A4-paper version as well Source Tip of the Hat to Benjamin Aaron Degenhart.

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Noah Raford

MIT Home Page I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, writing my dissertation on long term planning and strategy making during times of systemic change. Large-scale participatory futures systems blog Crisis as catalyst.  Risk as renewal.  Classical strategic planning is based upon the assumption of a slowly …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Ben Brownell

  Multidisciplinary freelance design artist and moonlight cultural theoristician Rogue Valley, Jefferson State USA. Today (2011): Studying and implementing sustainably abundant economic systems and enterprise Organizing local participatory democracy and ‘Gov2.0′ awareness/action Practicing collaborative frameworks and group process facilitation Developing a curation platform for engaging eco-social ‘good news’ Improvising interactive multimedia presentations for live events …