Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Sepp Hasslberger

P2P Wiki:  Sepp Hasslberger’s Roadmap Stage 1:  Co-Op.   Stage 2: Digital Village.  Stage 3: Toward Unity.  Stage 4: A Backbone of Our Own.  Stage 5: A Human Right.  See also Free Network Movement, Diaspora, A Human Right, and Buy This Satellite. Sepp Hasslberger at P2P Foundation (Posts) Sepp Hasslberger’s New Blog My views are influenced …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Mike Pheneger

Col Mike Pheneger, U.S. Army (Ret.), U.S. Special Operations Command OSS ’95:  Col Mike Pheneger, USA (Ret.), former J-2 U.S. Special Operations Command, for his paradigm-shattering unclassified exposures of our lack of tactical military maps for 90% of the world, and our enormous over-investment in duplicative and contradictory orders of battle. Colonel Pheneger spent 30 …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Sam Rose

Samuel Rose created Socialsynergyweb.com to help people deal with the complexities of knowledge, understanding, change, human systems, evolution, foresight, cooperation and collaboration, and technology. This business is now integrated into both Forward Foundation and Future Forward Institute. He is a principal contributor to the Autonomous Internet Road Map. He is interested in effective knowledge synthesis, …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Eben Moglen

Professor Eben Moglen is a long-standing champion of free and open source software and one of the top twelve to twenty-five minds thinking deeply in the English language about the future of the Internet consistent with creating a prosperous world at peace.  Among many other accomplishments, including global mind-melds in multiple languages, Professor Moglen is …