Mongoose: Is Angela Merkel the Agent and Is Webasto the Root Super-Spreader from 11 September 2019 — a 9/11 Anniversary — When She Visited Wuhan to Open the Factory and Kick off the BioWar on China?

Alert Reader intimately familiar with Germany suggests that Angela Merkel is the Zionist agent, and Webasto’s new factory in Wuhan, which Merkel visited on 11 September 2019,  the super-spreader source, together starting the biowar against China on that date. Additional comments and links below the fold.

Robert Steele: Russia Deepens Support of Iran on Financial Matters, Iranian Parliament Passes Four Bills — and My Analysis

This headline came to my attention today: Russia informs Iran of its views about FATF While it deals with measures against money-laundering, it is part of the new alternative financial system in which China and Russia and Iran are easily creating a post-Western economic and financial system. Iran is now a peer to India as  …

Mongoose: Understanding Deep State / CIA Control of the Media — 50 Documented Points President of the United States of America Should Be Thinking About…

50 Facts Illustrating Mainstream Media’s Relationship With The US Government (CIA) EXTRACTS: Psychological operations in the form of journalism were perceived as necessary to influence and direct mass opinion, as well as elite perspectives. “[T]he President of the United States, the Secretary of State, Congressmen and even the Director of the CIA himself will read, …

Mongoose: Q as Town Crier — The War in Washington Against The Deep State, Zionists, & Cult of Molech and Ball — Abortion, Mind Control, Pedophilia, Satantic Ritual Abuse

The war in Washington This is a war to the death. If Trump fails, he and his entire family will be killed by the Deep State. If Trump succeeds, the Deep State (Babylon) will fall. In my view, prophecy shows that the time has come for Mystery Babylon to fall, so I believe that Trump …