Mongoose: NY Lawmakers Want Answers on 5G Health Risks

For release: Friday, March 26, 2021 Contact: Doug Wood, Director, Americans for Responsible Technology, (516) 883-0887 NYS Lawmakers Want Answers on 5G Health Effects (Albany, NY) Members of the New York State (NYS) legislature have introduced a bill to establish a special commission charged with investigating the growing evidence linking exposure to radiofrequency (RF) microwave …

Succinct History of Humanity & Earth and our Reason for Being

Author: Paul Seymour March 20, 2021 – Equinox A couple of weeks ago I was listening to an interview with Gene Decode, which is usually a pleasant, and informative experience. However, in this particular interview, he made some statements which directly conflicted with my own discernment, and which I found disturbing. He said that the …

Matt Ehret: The Revival of Optical Biophysics and the Clash of the ‘Two Sciences’

The Revival of Optical Biophysics and the Clash of the ‘Two Sciences’ In yesterday’s article entitled ‘Big Pharma Beware: Dr. Montagnier Shines New Light on Covid-19 and the Future of Medicine’, I elaborated upon the powerful intervention of the Nobel Prize winning virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier. In that location, I covered the reasonability of Montagnier’s theory …

Ed Jewett: UFO Debris Confirmed by DIA, Extraordinary Properties

DoD Responds to Researcher’s FOIA Request on UFO Debris Via: Anthony Bragalia – UFO Explorations: A stunning admission by the US government that it possesses UFO debris was recently made in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed over three years ago by this author. In a reply letter, the US Defense …

Worth A Look: EMF Off! A Call to Consciousness in Our Misguidedly Microwaved World

A unique blend of wisdom, humour, personal experience, hard-hitting science and quantum physics, this book presents a compelling case for a complete rethink of how we live. Backed by an in-depth understanding of human dynamics and spiritual connectedness, it explores the biological, psychological, neurological, emotional, social and environmental impacts of our insatiable hunger for wireless …