Robert Steele: An Interview with Stephen E. Arnold on Google and Google Search — How the Digital Mummy Might Manipulate Search (Never Mind #GoogleGestapo Censorship)

I have known Stephen E. Arnold since the early 1990’s when he quickly became the only speaker to be demanded by my international audience every year. I have relied on him over the years for truthful open source intelligence and deep insights not available from other commercial sources. Although he is now retired, I believe …

Rebecca Campbell: Washington State Lies to Public, Legalizes Commercial Surrogate Parentage (Human Trafficking)

The 2018 Washington State Uniform Parentage Act passed the state legislature completely on party lines, and was signed by the governor into law on March 6, 2018, rescinding a long-standing state statute prohibiting this practice. This law was probably marketed to many of the liberal Democrat majority legislators/state executive branch officials as benignly as enhancing …

Trump Pardons Apario — Justice is Done!

Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, says he was ‘worthy … Aug 25, 2017 · President Donald Trump has pardoned former sheriff Joe Arpaio following his conviction for intentionally disobeying a judge’s order in an immigration case….  Chicago Tribune The real reason Arpaio was targeted was that he was prominent figure in uncovering Obama’s false …

Event: The Deep State & the Assassination of JFK: Lessons for Donald Trump? — Reston, VA, Saturday 3 June 2017, All Day, $99 — Includes Ron Paul and Oliver Stone as Speakers

The Deep State & the Assassination of JFK:  Lessons for Donald Trump? The Future of Freedom Foundation, a Libertarian organization, is offering a tremendous conference on 3 June 2017, a Saturday, in Reston, VA at the Washington Dulles Airport Marriott. The ballroom can accommodate 275, there are 50 seats left at $99, with Ron Paul …

Betty Boop: US Congressional Districts Are Drawn on Basis of ALL Residents INCLUDING ILLEGAL ALIENS AND FOREIGNERS

An investigative report from an Alert Reader. “noncitizens and illegal aliens are counted when apportioning congressional districts and when allocating state electors under the Electoral College. This means noncitizens play a role in determining how many congressional representatives a state has and exert an indirect influence on See: Phi Beta Iota: It is said that …