JZ: Feeding 9 BIllion with Seeds of Change in India (YouTube 9:03)

For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=65613&a… In India, climate change is forcing farmers to adapt in order to survive. While scientists race to breed a new batch of climate-resilient super seeds, locals are instead turning to the ways of their ancestors. Saltwater intrusion, flooding, droughts, rising sea levels and violent storms wreak havoc on …

Editor Jason “JZ” Liszkiewicz

Jason Liszkiewicz was based in New York City (2013) but has recently moved to China. He has served as the Executive Director of Earth Intelligence Network, the non-profit parent of Phi Beta Iota. Click on the photograph to learn more about him.

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Jason “JZ” Liszkiewicz

Jason Liszkiewicz (Re-Configure.org) was based in NYC but has moved to China. He’s co-founder and Executive Director of the Earth Intelligence Network, and resource-contributor to OSS.Net. In 2006 he was labeled as a “one man think tank” by J-Lab, Maryland’s Institute for Interactive Journalism. Producing Communities of Communication and Foreknowledge

Matthew Ehret: Humanity as a Species of the Stars or Lab Rats in Geopolitical Cage?

Humanity as a Species of the Stars or Lab Rats in Geopolitical Cage? In these days of profound uncertainty, it is comforting knowing that certain fundamental truths still exist and serve as guiding lights through the dark waters. Among the highest of those fundamental truths are those enunciated in 1967 by Reverend Martin Luther King …

Caitlin Johnstone: A Race Between Revolution And Robotics: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

A Race Between Revolution And Robotics: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Basically we’re looking at a race to see if the deterioration of material conditions inherent in capitalism leads to mass-scale revolution before the plutocrats have the technological and legal ability to roll out robot and drone security forces. We’re fed non-stop …